Chapter 22: A Catastrophe, Literally Pt.1

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~Amanda's POV~

I was currently buying some extra food for the base and for the Dino Bite Cafe since we were running low on some things. I was currently walking back towards the museum through the park until I stumbled upon a small kitten as I smiled and kneeled down, "Hey there little guy. Aren't you just a cutie." I said as I scratched it's neck as it purred. "Honestly, really?"  Brenna asks me as I look towards her, "What?" "Not the cat, idiot. Your 'friends'. They ask you to get back up food while they could've done it themselves? Honestly they could just be chilling behind your back while you waste your money." I shake my head as I stand up, "They wouldn't do that. They're my friends. We'd stick together and we count on each other, we're there for each other no matter what." "Blah. Sounds like a lot of crap to me." "What's up with you and everyone else? Why are you against them?" She scoffs as she rolls her eyes, "'What's up' with me? What's up with you?! They'll just get close to you and stab you in the back! It's every person for themselves." "Where did you hear that? Unless...oh, that didn't happen to you did it?" I ask concerned. "Pfft, nah. I'm just looking out for you. A civilian that I'm currently stuck with. What else?" "Are you-" "I'm fine. The past is the past." she forcefully says. "But-" I was cut off as I heard some rustling and shouts that sounded panicked. I looked over and noticed....other different kinds of cats, specifically wild cats running everywhere, 

"What the-" I was cut off as I beam came close to me as I quickly rolled to the side. I looked up and noticed a demented monster that seemed to have different parts of different wild cats to domestic cats, "Well, this is even worse than a crazy cat lady." I muttered as I stood up. I saw stripes like a tiger, a main like a lion, a spots like a mix of a leopard to a cheetah, and a tail like a bobcat, a short nub. "Hey! Stop right there!" I exclaimed catching the monster's attention, "Who are you?" a female face was heard as I got in a stance and took out a Dino Charger, "Oh, so you're a Ranger, huh? Not for long." Before I could morph, and orange beam was blasted at me. Before I could do anything, the orange blast hit me as I felt myself going black before passing out.

~3rd Person POV (Base)~

Everyone came down from the base letting their Energems fly to the crystal beds to charge their Chargers. Miss Morgan was typing away at her computer working on trying to make a strong Charger to defeat Fury with the Ptera Zord. She looked up as the Rangers entered and looked around, "Where's Amanda?" she asks raising an eyebrow confused. "She went to go get more supplies for the cafe since we started running out." Shelby responds back as she comes over towards the station area since they're shifts were over. Everyone went to do their own thing, Koda went into his cave, Riley training with his Dino Saber, Chase fiddling with something; bored, and Shelby seeing if she can help Miss Morgan, and Tyler training with Riley. Suddenly there was a beeping sound from the holographic screen in the middle, "Alien bio-signs. In the park near the city plaza." Miss Morgan states as everyone nods, "It seems that Amanda's there already." Miss Morgan adds. At this, Riley perked up as he set his saber aside, "Amy's there?" he asks a bit concerned. "Let's move." Tyler states as everyone nods, grabs their Energems and Chargers, and heads out of the base towards the park near the plaza. 'Please be okay.' are Riley's last thoughts as he follows his friends towards the location.

~Amanda's POV~

I slowly woke up as I blinked open my eyes feeling, weird. 'Ugh, why do I feel so weird?' I think as my vision clears up and I see, 'Paws?!' I frantically look around and notice that I have four furry paws, a tail, and 'Oh, my gosh...I can't be-' "Lookie here. Seems like we have a cute kitty cat instead of a Ranger." she says giggling(Picture of cat up top is her, Amanda). I look around to make sure that my Energem is still safe as I notice the necklace around my neck as I let out a sigh of relief. That relief is soon gone as she advances towards me as I feel my ears lie flat against my head as I back up, 'Oh no no no no no. This can't be happening.' I frantically think. "Quick. Go find some cover. Your friends should be here soon." I hear a voice say as I quickly dart towards the bushes and trees. 'I need to protect my Energem but how?' I think glancing around as I get an idea and shake the necklace off as I quickly start digging a hole under a bush. I place the gem into the hole as I bury it back up, 'There. Nice and safe.' My ears perk up as I hear footsteps and notice everyone else as I watch them unsure if I should come out since I'm sure that I wouldn't be much of a use to the team. "You must be the other Rangers." she sneered ready to blast with her dohickey machine gun thing that's attached to her furry wrist. "What did you do to Amy." Riley commanded as they all got in a ready stance. "You mean your other blonde headed friend? Well, let's just say she's stuck in a furry situation." I roll my eyes as I watch intently from the bushes. 

"Enough, Dino Chargers," Tyler states, "Ready! Unleash the power!" "Power Rangers," "Dino Charge!" Everyone finishes morphing in unison. 'Too bad I can't help them.' I think sighing as I crouch behind the bushes keeping a close eye to make sure she doesn't blast any of the others. 'If I"m already hit, maybe it won't affect me.' I think as I watch the others getting tossed around as I start to worry and narrow my eyes so they turn to slits as I stealthily sneak over closer towards the monster, 'Few seconds or minutes of being a cat and I've got it down.' I think as I twitch my tail as I get closer, "Your finished, Rangers." she states pointing the wrist, dohickey machine blaster thing at everyone as I take this as my chance. I swiftly in one motion charge from behind and jump onto her arm so her aim was off and missed Shelby by a few centimeters, "What?! Get off of me you blasted cat!" she exclaims shaking me as I dig my claws on her along with my teeth. "Ow! Get off!" she exclaims shaking her arm more violently as I'm flung off hitting the ground with a thud, luckily still alive. I struggle to get up as I shake my head and watch her flee, "I'll finish you next time, Rangers." she hisses and disappears. 

~Riley's POV~

I think I'm also confused to thinking on what the heck just happened. I watch as the mysterious cream colored cat stands up and shakes her head as the monster flees. We all get up and de-morph as we group up, "Okay, what just happened?" Shelby asks as we all shrug or give confused looks, "I have no idea, but Amy's still missing." I state worried as I notice her Dino Comm on the ground a few feet away from where we were along with some bags of food. "Guys, look over there." I state as I walk over towards the objects. "That's Amy's comm." Chase states, "And food." Koda adds as his stomach growls, 'Oh, Koda.' "Hey there kitty." Shelby states as she leans down and a cream colored cat with blue eyes comes up and rubs against Shelby. "Isn't that the cat the just helped us?" Tyler asks as he looks towards the cat as it meows at us. "Aww, she must be lost, but she's so brave." Shelby states as she keeps petting the cat. The cream colored cat soon walks towards me as she sits and stares up at me as I stare back. Why does something seem so familiar about this cat. "Hey, I think she likes ya, mate." Chase states snapping me back to reality. "Ooh! Can we keep her for a bit until we can find her an owner?" Shelby asks excited as we all shrug. I feel movement near my feet as the cat starts rubbing up against my legs, "Maybe you should take her with you, Riley." Tyler states smiling as he picks up Amy's Dino Comm, "Let's get back to base." We all nod as I pick up the cream colored Mackerel Tabby as we rush towards the base, 'What exactly is going on here?'

Yeah! So I decided to do a fun chapter that I thought of. Sorry if I haven't posted in a while. School is almost over though but I have to get through some serious tests. In the summer, I'll probably post more often, but here's something I just made up for fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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