Chapter 11: Breaking Black Pt.1

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~Amanda's POV~

It was just another normal, or as normal as it could get, work day. Chase was manning the grill, Koda with dish washing duty while me, Riley, Shelby and Tyler were serving and taking people's orders. I enter the kitchen right behind Shelbs as she scoffs at Chase who's on his phone while doing the grill not paying attention. "Chase, can't you finish anything?" Shelby asks annoyed as she puts a burger together, something Chase should've done. I notice Chase pick up some kind of condiment bottle and start to pour it until I quickly grabbed it out of his hand, "Chase! Pay attention!" I exclaim at him as I set the bottle down and roll my eyes noticing that he's not even listening as I wait for the order to be complete as I cross my arms, waiting. Riley comes next to my side taking a quick glance towards Chase before turning to me, "This is going to take a while." I mutter putting a hand to my face. "Well, that's Chase. Never really focusing on anything." Riley says groaning a bit as I smile towards him, "That's why he has us, to help him focus." I say nudging him. Suddenly I hear Chase yell, "The grill!" and notice smoke and the feel a lot of heat behind me as I quickly turn around and see Chase not there and back up wide eye until I remember the fire extinguisher as everyone quickly runs around, scattered, while Chase keeps yelling 'Sorry' as he makes his way over. "I'll get the fire extinguisher." Tyler yells but I quickly get to it first, "Got it!" I yell as I use the fire extinguisher to take out the fire as we all let out a breath of relief as we glare at Chase, "We'll talk about this once we're done." I mutter towards him pointing a finger as we all quickly get back to work.

Once our shifts are over and we close up for a bit we all gather around a table, Chase leaning back in a chair with the rest of us on the other side looking at him. "Come on! One little fire." "That could have burned down the entire museum." Miss Morgan says with her glasses off stressed about the possibilities if the fire got out of hand, "And expose our base." Shelby adds starring at him. "Okay, I get it." Chase says standing up all of a sudden facing us all. "I promise to pay more attention to--Moana!" Chase exclaims holding a hand out as we all turn around and notice a lady entering the cafe, "Pay more attention to Moana, huh?" I mutter to no one in particular as the rest just shrug as we watch the two interact. "How are you? It's been a long time." Chase asks/states as he hugs 'Moana'. "Chase I need your help." She states before looking at us and dragging Chase off to the side. I look at the others in confusion who look just as confused as me before we all look at the two as we overhear her say that someone's about to steal from her before Chase looks at us, "Moana is a Matakite. A Maori fortune teller from New Zealand." Chase explains as I nod my head subtly going along with it. Suddenly Moana turns frantic as she puts both hands on Chase's shoulders, "I need you to guard my shop." "Really? Chase is going to guard it?" Shelby asks crossing her arms. "I hope you have a fire extinguisher." Miss Morgan adds as we chuckle quietly. "What is that?" I hear Koda ask. "A fire extinguisher is something to put out fires with." I explain as he somewhat understands, I think, and nods. "What about the police?" Chase asks going back to topic. "Oh, they think I'm crazy." she says chuckling. "Can't blame them." I mutter towards Riley who just nods as well with a confused look. "You have special strengths, Chase." Moana starts again serious as she touches Chase's energem who got it out as we all have a look of suspicion, 'How does she know about his energem?' I think as I narrow my eyes. Chase eventually agrees as Moana leads him out of the cafe, "I can handle this." he says as he trips over the mouth of the T-Rex mouth, the entrance to the Dino Bite Cafe as we look to each other unsure and shake our heads. 'Oh boy...'

We eventually get back to work after re-opening the cafe after the small incident. "How do you think Moana knows about the energems?" I ask the guys in the kitchen as they all shrug. "You don't think she's working with the monsters right?" "Maybe, but highly doubtful." Riley replies as we all nod. "Oh! Moana's shop has all kinds of weird things. Do you think that's where Chase got his energem?" I suggest as the others think about it. "Possibly. I mean, we don't even know where or how Chase got his. How do you know about her shop?" Shelby says and asks entering the kitchen overhearing the conversation. "I used to always pass by it and I saw her behind the counter." I reply.

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