Chapter 3: Becoming a Ranger

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~Amanda's POV~

Once I reach the couple they're huddled together under the rocks and branches. "Please, help us." the man says in a shaky voice. I nod as I look and notice that the rocks could collapse on them at any time as I quickly try and think of a strategy. I notice that there's a small hole from the boulder blocking the exit that I can potentially push away for them to escape. I quickly get to work moving branches aside as I reach the boulder in front. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of there." I say as I rest my hands on the boulder ready to push. "On the count of three I'm going to try to move this boulder, meanwhile, you guys try to get out, alright?" I ask as I see them nod. I hear some growling and fighting in the distance along with some explosions. 'Gotta hurry.' I think as I turn back to the couple. "1, 2, 3!" I say as I push the boulder as hard as I can. Suddenly the boulder is easy to push out of the way, like I have super strength, as it rolls towards a rock wall causing the other rocks to start to collapse. "Hurry!" I say as I grab the man and the woman by the wrists and pull them out a bit away as the rocks collapse on each other causing dirt and dust to go everywhere. "Thank you so much!" the woman says thanking me as I nod happy that they're safe. "No problem, I'm just glad you guys are safe." I say smiling as I hear more explosion noises. "You guys should get out of here." I say ushering them out as they quickly nod and run. I feel the Energem in my pocket as I get it out and look at it curiously as it starts glowing. Suddenly I fell a surge of power as I'm engulfed in an orange light as I get a vision of an Archaeopteryx glowing orange and screeching. I take a deep breath as the glowing stops. Suddenly some kind of yellow and black dino looking blaster is in my hand as I quickly look at it. I hear more fighting as I quickly head towards it. I notice that the rangers have the same kind of blaster in my hand. 'No...I can't be...' I think to myself as I quickly retreat into the brush not far from the battle.

I look over the blaster and notice a slot where my energem could potentially go. I put my hand on the tail opening the mouth so I can slip in the Energem having a sudden feeling that I know how to do this as a voice is said:

Energem Engaged!

I spin the barrel smiling that I already seem to know how to do this as I point it upward, "Unleash the power!" I exclaim as an Archaeopteryx face comes out with an orange trail behind it engulfs me in an orange glow. I look and notice that I'm in a smiling suit like the other Rangers, just orange. "I feel powerful." I say smiling under the helmet as I know exactly what to do as I rush towards battle.

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