Chapter 14: The Tooth Hurts Pt. 1

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~Amanda's POV~

I flutter my eyes open as I yawn and rub my eyes. It's been about three days since I've had that awful dream, and I really hope it only stays that way and it's not real. I stand up from my bed in the base and get dressed. I hear Riley's tennis ball machine go off as I decide not to go out there at the moment. I think back to what happened after I woke up and how Riley stayed and comforted me. I smile shyly to myself as I sit on the edge of my bed and fiddle with the bracelets. I soon hear Riley talking with someone, sounds like Chase. 


"--same sword move over and over."

"I have my reasons, okay?"

"Which are?"

I don't want to be rude and go out there as I put my phone in my pocket and lean against the door as I listen intently. I'm not usually the one to eavesdrop but being the curious me.....

"Look, when Fury attacked me to get the Green Energem. . . I wasn't able to keep up. That's why I practice, so next time I'm ready."

"Look, we both want to defeat Fury, but the next attack could be different. If I was you, I'd use your instincts and adapt, eh? So you're ready for any situation."

That, I could agree with Chase on that one.

"Okay. You, giving me training advice? Right. I've never seen you train, not once."

"Just because I don't train the same way as you, doesn't mean I don't train. I'm going out"

"Yeah. Have fun."

They say sounding bitter and annoyed with each other as I hear Riley continue training. I decided to come out and maybe talk with the two......soon. I exited the room as I let out a yawn and stretched as I dodged a flying ball, "Morning, Ry. (Rye. How it's supposed to sound like.)" I greet as I check over the computers and make sure everything's in check. "Morning, Amy." he responds gruffly with a hint of anger in his tone as he keeps wacking away tennis balls. I check the time as I roll my eyes, walk over, and turn the machine off. Before he could object I stared him right in the eye, "Job soon, remember? We also agreed to check out a dig site to find the gold energem." I say reminding him as he nods and goes to clean up.

~Small time skip~

I was serving with Shelby as we took orders and gave them. Tyler just entered the cafe with Riley while Koda and Chase waited at a table, the four of them in their dig suits. I take a quick break and go over where the others are just as Shelby got there, "Free samples. Chef's trying a new recipe." Shelbs says as she holds a tray of cake samples." Koda, Tyler, and Chase all grab a sample as I notice Riley staring it at it weirdly. "Awesome!" I turn around and notice everyone getting a weird purple glow and saying how their teeth ache as I take a glance to Riley with the same expression as me. Just as Tyler was about to take a bite Riley automatically slams his hand down on it preventing Tyler from eating it as Ty stares at once was his cake was. (My favorite part of this show. It's great xD) "Hmm....A bit tasteless." he says glaring at Riley as I start inwardly laughing trying to not show it on the outside since this is a serious situation. "Nobody touch it." Riley says standing up as he continues to watch the other customers, "No cake?" Koda asks as he was about to take a bite as I set it back onto the table as he looks at me confused. "Chill, bro. A little cake never hurt anyone." Chase says speaking up, "It doesn't hurt unless something's been done to it." I say as I gesture to the other people with glowing purple mouths with them aching. We all hear laughing and turn towards the kitchen to see a monster with a chef's hat and in/with baking gear on him. "You guys take the front, we'll go through the kitchen." Tyler commands, "Right, we'll cut him off." I state as I run towards the front with Chase and Riley at my heels.

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