Chapter 7: A Fool's Hour Pt.3

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I decided to add some things to, "A Fool's Hour" so this is the third and final part of it. It's basically just the ending of the episode but with a twist. Sorry it's short.

~Amanda's POV~

I reach the cafe as I enter my shift and work for about 15 minutes only to notice that the others come in. I'm currently taking in some orders and giving them to Tyler. I suddenly notice Chase and Riley about to collide as I quickly set the order ticket down and stop the two, "Wait, careful!" I exclaim as I steady the two with Tyler's help. I let out a sigh of relief as they thank us as they continue. I head back out to take some more orders and take some dishes out of the way. I notice Riley heading back towards the kitchen as I quickly grab his arm stopping him. "H-Hey, Riley, can I tell you something?" I ask a bit unsure on how I should word this. "He simply nods as we go in a more secret place near the kitchen and away from the customers. "What is it, Amy?" He asks curious and confused.

"I-uh, don't know how to exactly word this but..." I start to trail off, "I know that you're the green ranger along with Tyler, Shelby, Koda, and Chase being rangers as well...." I continue as Riley looks shocked and surprised, "Wait, you what?! How?!" he asks in a hushed but alarmed tone as I put a hand up, "Let me continue," I whisper-yell to him as he stops and stares at me, "I know because I'm the orange ranger." I say going through my pocket and holding out the orange energem. "The orange energem." he says wide eye as he looks at it then at me, "We have to tell the others." I nod as I head back with Riley in front of me as Shelby enters first exasperated and annoyed, "It doesn't seem right. We save the world in the morn-" Shelby's cut off as she notices the others telling her to stop. "What?" She asks confused until I clear my throat gaining her attention as she makes an 'oh' shape. "Save the world, huh?" I ask smirking as I set a few dirty dishes down as Riley shakes his head, "What she means is saving the world from....."Tyler starts up trying to think of something before earning chuckles from me and Riley. "Guys, don't worry she knows." Riley says as I nod. "Wait, you told her?!" Shelby asks shocked as I shake my head 'no'. "Don't worry he didn't, plus I kinda saw you guys morph and all considering...." I say trailing off as I show them my orange energem. "No way....." Chase says as everyone stares wide eye except for Riley who smiles amused while I giggle, "Yep, I'm the orange ranger."

After they asked me how I found the orange energem and bonded with it and I explained back on the Archaeopteryx dig in the truck I noticed it and how in the woods I started fighting Fury and saved a couple they nodded after they took in the information. "We'll take you to the base once our shifts are over." Riley says as they all nod while I smile, "Okay." I state as we all get back to work. "But seriously though, we save the world in the morning only to serve lunch in the afternoon." Shelby says annoyed while I giggle a bit amused, "You're crazy. It's a blast." Tyler starts as he heads over towards the grill about to flip a burger, "Look what I learned." he says as he flips the burger in the air, spins, and waits for the burger only for it to not come. The four of us look around confused as to where it went. I notice Tyler and Shelby and I think even Chase look towards Riley's direction as I raise an eyebrow. "Don't look at me." Riley says. We all then look towards Koda who seems to have his mouth full before he spits it all out over the four of us as we all yelp in surprise. "Aw, disgusting..." "Ew." "Gross" we all complain while Koda apologizes, "Sorry." as we exit out and clean ourselves up.

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