Chapter 8: Questions

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~3rd person POV~

Once everyone got cleaned up from the 'Koda incident' the group decided to take Amanda to their base where they charged their energems and chargers. They were currently at the loading docks and in front of a T-Rex mouth. Amy tilted her head confused as she watched Tyler go up and twist one of the teeth in the mouth opening a secret passage slide as my her widened in amazement. "Woah. So your base has been under the museum the entire time?" Amanda asked surprised and amazed. "Yep, neat huh?" Shelby asks smirking as Tyler slides down along with Koda. Riley is meanwhile smiling as he glances at Amanda. 'She's so cute when she's like this.' he thought before blushing a light pink tint on his cheeks and rubbing the back of his neck looking a different direction realizing what he just thought. This went unnoticed by Amanda but not by Chase as he smirked at his fellow ranger friend. "Come on!" Shelby says excitedly as she takes Amanda's hand and leads her down leaving the black and green rangers to be the last ones. "So, you like her?" Chase asks smirking in a teasing tone. Riley snaps out of his thoughts as he runs his hand through his hair, "Uh, Amanda? Wh-What? No, no, no, no, no, no, I only think of her as a friend, I think." he says mumbling the last part as he starts to blush a bit of a darker pink. "Uh-huh, sure mate." Chase says rolling his eyes before entering the base followed by a light pink blushing Riley.

~Amanda's POV~

Once in the base after I got off the slide I stood up and looked around in amazement. I watched as Tyler, Shelby, and Koda took out their energems and let them 'fly' to some kind of crystal bed area for resting. Riley and Chase came down soon after I did and did the same. "Why don't you try it?" Riley asks as I nod and get my energem out as I hold it in the palm of my hand. I watch it as it flies from my hand to the crystal bed next to Shelby's pink energem, the last space on that side. I noticed that there were those 'dino chargers' they used in battle. "Are these those dino chargers?" I ask curiously. Riley comes up behind me, "Yeah." I look around a bit more coming near the laboratory tables. "It is nice to finally meet you, orange ranger." I hear a voice say towards the right of the room as I look and notice some kind of alien in a red cloak holding a staff. I jump startled but hold my ground. "My name is Keeper and I assure you that I am quite harmless." he says as he holds up a hand as I only nod. I notice Mrs. Morgan walking out of a rocky hallway as she looks up at me surprised but smiles. "I see you're a ranger now too." Mrs. Morgan says as she goes to some sort of station with small tubes big enough for chargers and energems to be fit in. She takes three chargers out as she shows me them, "These will be you dino chargers. They'll be able to help you morph and call your zords. I'll be able to make a dino armor charger for you she says as gets back to work.

"I am curious, how did you find the orange energem?" Keeper asks me as everyone's leaning against a table, counter, pole, or some kind of supportive structure as they look towards me. "Well, ever since I got back from a recent dig to Germany and Europe, we were digging up an Archaeopteryx fossil. One we got back, before Mrs. Morgan came out, I was going over the fossils to make sure they weren't damaged until an orange stone caught me eye which soon was found out as an energem." I say finishing how I found it.

"How did it bond to you?" I hear Tyler ask curious. "Remember when you were in your ranger forms out in the woods while I was with Fury? The first time you encountered me as the orange ranger?" I ask making sure they remembered as they all nod. "Before you came I got a metal pole as I deflected some lightning strikes he sent me. Apparently it was directed to some kind of rock wall and rocks and branches collapsed on a married couple, so naturally being me, I helped them out by trying to push a boulder out of the exit. Suddenly the boulder just got really light and it just rolled out of the way with ease. I quickly got the two out and pulled the gem out. I got a vision of an Archaeopteryx with an orange glow after I started feeling a sudden surge of power and glow on me. That's when a blaster appeared in my hand and I morphed, feeling like I already knew how." I said ending since the others knew how the rest went.

"How did you know Tyler was in trouble?" Shelby asks curious. "Well, I didn't. When my shift was starting again I realized that you guys haven't been around at all. Suddenly my emergem started glowing and I asked someone to cover my shift, so I went out to the loading docks. When I got there I saw the four of you run out like something was going on," I said motioning towards the rangers except Tyler, "so I followed. I went ahead and saw Tyler de-morph and the monsters advancing on him I had to do something. That's when it hit me, that the rest of you were rangers." I explained as I took a breather. 

"Well, it seems like it's getting late." I say as I check the time on my phone. "Yeah." Riley says a bit bummed, "Maybe we can hang out and catch up later or something." Riley says with a smile towards me as I can't help but smile back and nod, "Yeah, of course! Maybe then you guys can tell me how you found your energems." I say as everyone else nods and/or murmurs and agreement. "Wait, Amanda." I hear Mrs. Morgan say as I turn around to look at her. "Here, this is a dino-con. We use these to keep track of each other and to communticate on a different network besides using our phones, and this is a necklace to carry your energem around your neck so your most likely to keep track of it so it won't get into the monster's hands." Mrs. Morgan says handing me a dino-com and energem necklace carrier thing. "Thanks, Mrs. Morgan." I say as I take the them with me. "I'll show you the way!" Shelby says as she takes my hand and leads me out of the base, "See you guys later!" I say looking back as I wave. I lock eyes with Riley before a tug pulls me out of my trance as I blush and exit the base.

~3rd person POV (Base)~

Riley watches Amanda's retreating figure smiling a bit until someone clears their throat snapping me out of my trance as the green ranger looks over at the other boys, Tyler and Chase grinning while Koda just looks confused. "What?" Riley asks confused as he blushes a light pink knowing exactly what's about to happen. "So, childhood friend, huh?" Tyler asks with a teasing grin along with Chase. "Look, i-its nothing more than friends." Riley states trying to calm his nerves down as he starts to turn a brighter pink around the face. "I think your face disagrees with ya, mate." Chase says as he chuckles along with Tyler. "I don't get." Koda says scratching the back of his head. "Oh thank god." Riley mutters putting a hand over his face. "Well, I'm heading over to bed." Riley says as he retreats down a rocky hallway in the base to his room.

~3rd person POV (Shelby and Amy)~

The girls exited the base and in the loading dock area. "Sooo, you and Riley seem pretty close." Shelby says smirking with her hands behind her back. "Well, we are childhood friends," Amy starts as she averts eye contact by having a sudden interest with a brown crate box. "but, you promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?" Amy asks dead serious as she looks Shelby straight in the eye while she nods. "Imightactuallystillhaveacrushonhimlikeareallyreallybigone." Amanda says quickly blushing a crimson red. Shelby blinks a few times trying to process what her new ranger friend said before smirking, "Aww, isn't that sweet. I think you two actually look cute together~" the pink ranger says in a teasing tone. Amy smiles shyly before it goes to a wide smirk, "Just like you and Tyler~" Amanda responds in a teasing tone. Now it was Amanda's turn to play as she watched Shelby look down as her hair got in her face as she smiles shyly. Amanda walks over bumping her shoulder with Shelby's, "Hey, don't worry. We're in this together." Amy says with a grin. "I have an idea, how about you stay with us at the base? There are enough beds for all the rangers, even the ones without energems. There are 11 rooms for 11 rangers, you can stay if you'd like." Shelby suggests as Amanda nods her head slowly, "Okay, I'll stay tomorrow night until these monsters are defeated, how about that? You just got to tell the others." Amanda says smiling as Shelby squeals, "Yes! I'm not the only girl besides Mrs. Morgan." Shelby exclaims leaving the blonde girl to giggle as she heads back towards her camp, "Alright, call me in the morning!" She says as she watches Shelby retreat back into the base to tell the others.

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