Chapter 20: When Logic Fails Pt.1

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~Riley's POV~

I was down at the base thinking of what our next steps would be as Tyler, Shelby, Koda, and Miss Morgan were going through with what was left of the E-Tracer. Amy was watching between what I was doing and what the others were doing. Chase went to get some pizzas for everyone. I put three marbles in a small contraption for them. I calculated and watched as each one made their way down and ended in the same area. The voices of the others pulled me back into reality, "Woah, whoa, whoa! I am so confused. What's our next step?" Tyler asks. "Maybe we eat." Koda says as I finish analyzing on what's in my head as I speak up, "I think I solved it. We need to look at the problem logically." I say gaining everyone's attention as they look towards me confused as I hold the three marbles showing them, "Sledge, Poisandra, Fury." Black, pink, and grey. "Now, they each take their own paths," I start as I insert them each in their own entrances, "chasing after power, love, maybe revenge. But, there's one thing that all of them need first." "The Energems." Shelby states. "Exactly. Their only chance of getting an Energem is with a very powerful weapon." "Like the Ptera Zord." Amy states. "Right. Different paths, leading to one conclusion." I say finishing as all the marbles make to the end in the same place. "So, they've got to power up the Ptera Charger." Tyler says making a conclusion. "But there's only one lab like ours with equipment strong enough to energize the Dino Charger." Miss Morgan says. "Then logically, that lab is where we start." I say concluding our next steps. I notice Amy talking to herself but there's no one around her as I look towards her direction confused. "I'm heading out for a bit." she says as she leaves the base.

~Amanda's POV~

After Riley's logical explanation I felt that it wasn't ALL to logical. I took a glance around and noticed..."Can you please give me a name to call you?" I ask annoyed now.

"Ugh, fine. Brenna."

'Weird, why does that name seem familiar?' I think to myself before she snaps me out of my thoughts.

"You know they're wrong. Fury is great at adapting and will let nothing stop him from powering that Charger. He's going to do it."

"Yeah, I'm realizing that, but when and how?"

"I'm not sure, but I've got a feeling that it's today."

"I'm heading out for a bit." I say towards everyone in the base as I head out. "Over there." she says pointing towards a direction as I give her a confused look but head towards her direction anyway where a Chess board is. I suddenly see a skateboard with open pizza boxes near it along with a helmet not far from them. 'Chase.' I think as I quickly head towards the area and see Chase and a maze-like monster there. I quickly get my Dino Comm out and contact Miss Morgan, "Guys, there's a monster attacking near an abandoned lab or building area. Chase is already here fighting him." "Right, we're on our way." Tyler says as I end the call and jump in. Since I've got the advantage of a surprise, I quickly jump and kick him towards the side, "And if you were as smart as me, you wouldn't even be here in the first place!" I exclaim. "Amy! Am I glad to see you." Chase says coming towards me as I nod, "Don't thank me yet." I say as the monster gets up, "Probably another Ranger." he mutters as me and Chase both get into fighting stances and get ready to attack.

The monster uses his flag and jabs it towards me as I catch it and hold it in place while Chase attacks. Before I could give it a second thought I was thrown over towards the chess game area and Chase soon followed. I quickly grabbed a white chess piece, a pawn. Chase did the same and grabbed one too, a black pawn. "Don't you know? Pawns always lose." the monster states as we hold them up. "Too bad I don't have my saber." I muttered as we charged towards him. He then grabs a king and charges towards us again as we both dodge, "Time to crown you." he says as he pushes both of us back to the board. "Checkmate. Now time to destroy you." he says as me and Chase both struggle to get up. "Chase, Amy!" I hear Shelby exclaim as the others come over towards our aid, Tyler and Koda helping Chase up while Riley and Shelby help me up as the monster gets ready to retreat, "Yikes! Probably more Rangers." "Chase. You and Amy okay?" Koda asks. "We're fine." I say speaking up as I quickly brush myself off. "Fury must be in there with the Ptera Charger." Shelby states. "Let's go pay him a visit." Tyler says as we all rush into the building. "Doesn't look like anyone's been here in years." Shelby states as we look around the run down and dusty place. "I mean, it IS an abandoned building...or lab of some sort." I state looking around. "We have to find that lab room fast." Tyler states. Riley pushes past Shelby as he looks around, "Let's split up." he says as we all agree and go into different rooms.

I end up in a small hallway as I quickly almost run into "A dead end?" I question to myself as I look around the hall. "No doors either, only stairs." I mutter as I go down the stairs and end up in another hallway. I look around confused, "Wait a minute. This is the same hallway with the dead end." I think as I hug myself and rub my arms. "And it's getting colder too." I think as I notice a map on the other side. I notice it's in some kind of maze showing more dead ends and whatnot. "This makes no sense, whatsoever." I mutter analyzing the map. I hear my Dino Comm go off as I answer it and hear Riley's voice, "Guys? Tyler? Shelby? Amy?" "I'm here, but I have no idea where here is." Tyler says shivering. I couldn't help but feel the same. "I keep running up the same stairway, trying to keep warm." Shelby responds. "I'm stuck in a loop too." Chase states. "I still hungry." I hear Koda state as I chuckle but quickly start shivering, "Me too. Still stuck." I say. "Listen, I found a way out. We need to--" Riley started only to be cut off by static. I assumed that he just ended it but it's not like Riley to end it as soon as he says that he's found a way out.

I put my comm away and keep pacing back and forth the hallway and even going up, or down, the flight of stairs. I look around and realize that Brenna isn't even here. 'Weird.' I think as the cold starts getting worst. I can see my breath as I hug myself even tighter and notice frost on my clothes. "Please hurry, Riley." I say with hope as I lean against a cold wall hoping to be saved as I look around for an exit. I hear a sound as I look towards a vent, "The vents! Why didn't I think of that!" I say happily as I quickly head towards the vent. As soon as I open it I see one of Riley's marbles bouncing towards me as I smile, "Riley, you smart, adorable genius." I say blushing a little at me calling him 'adorable' as I hop through the vent and calculate the best way out. I notice the end with light coming out of it and smile. I exit the vent and notice the others warming up, "Guys!" I exclaim as they all smile, "Amy! You're okay!" Shelby exclaims as she comes over and hugs me before pulling back, "Yeah..still cold." I say as I shake myself out and warm up. "Did Riley help out?" I ask holding out Riley's marble as they did the same and smiled.

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