Chapter 6: A Fool's Hour Pt. 2

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~Amanda's POV~

I notice that they're running in a certain direction as I quickly run ahead of them. Once I get there I notice the Red Ranger get beat up by a metal like monster and de-morph. I let out a small gasp as my eyes widen under my helmet, 'Tyler?' I think as I watch the two monsters charge at him. 'I gotta do something.' I think to myself as I quickly morph, pull out my Dino Saber, and rush out of hiding as I block the blue metal monster's ax from hitting Tyler. "Not so fast!" I say as I push the ax to the side and kick him backwards. I then go for the other monster which looks like scrap and junk as I slash at him. I quickly get in another stance as the other four reach Tyler and help him up. "Tyler!" I hear Chase yell followed by Shelby, "You okay?"

"Orange Ranger?" I hear Koda as confused. Tyler and Chase suddenly start talking about hunches and not to battle alone but I couldn't help overhear something that caught my attention, "Sledge wasn't going to give us an hour. That scrapper creep followed you guys back to the base. He was going to go off and tell Sledge where the base was so he could steel the Energema. That's the real plan." Tyler explains as they make up and stuff. I walk backwards towards the five, saber still in hand, "Why don't you guys morph and help a fellow Ranger out?" I ask turning towards them. I couldn't help but notice Riley starring at me as I smirk under my helmet as I catch the others attention as they look towards me. They were about to speak until I cut them off holding up a hand, "Chat later, fight now." I say as they just nod, "Let's do this, together." Tyler says as we all nod, including me.

"Together, with a little help from the Orange Ranger and Kendall." Chase says holding up some kind of charger like thing. 'Wait, Miss Morgan's apart of this?' I think to myself surprised. "She's developed a new armor mode for us." she says handing Tyler the object. "You can probably get one too if you come back with us after the battle." Chase says towards me as I nod, "We'll see." Suddenly the scrap monster gets up and catches all of our attention, "Come on. Let's get outta here. I've still gotta tell Sledge where their base is." "Don't count on it." Tyler says speaking up as the five of them step in front in a line as I stand behind and watch. "It's morphing time. Dino charger!" Tyler starts holding out the 'Dino Charger'. "Ready!" Everyone else says in unison as they press a button on it and put it in their dino blaster/morpher. "Power Rangers, Dino Charge!" They say getting in a pose as I smirk and stand next to the Green Ranger, Riley. "All right, let's check out our new armor mode." Tyler says as they get their new armor. "Neat stuff." I say awing at their new armor mode. "Hey, you can get one after the battle probably." Riley, the Green Ranger, says to me as I nod. We all charge in as the rangers use their chargers and new dino steel armor taking down vivix and the monsters as we kick, blast, slice, punch, and dodge multiple attacks and vivix. I end up helping Riley take down some vivix, once we're done we notice that Tyler has taken down Scrapper, from what I learn from.

Suddenly a blue blast is blasted down as Scrapper gets ten times as big as we all regroup. "He big, like mammoth." Koda, or blue ranger, says as we look up. "We'll take care of that. Dino charger, ready!" Tyler says as he throws a charger, "Summon T-Rex Zord!" 'Wait, T-Rex Zord? Like that thing before was my Archaeopteryx Zord?!' I think to myself. I watch in awe as Tyler, Red Ranger, jumps on his Zord and battles the gigantic monster. Suddenly Koda says something as he summons his Stego Zord and Shelby, the Pink Ranger, Simmons her Zord, the Tricera Zord. I watch from the ground with Chase and Riley as they rush up after the three zords combined. "Dino Charge Megazord, wow!" Riley says as Chase and I catch up behind. "Impressive, eh?" Chase, the Black Ranger asks as I nod while we watch.

After a bit of fighting the monster is destroyed as the three Rangers come and join us on the ground. The five of them high five each other as I watch from a distance as I smirk, 'I'll tell them at the cafe, I'm going to be late. Miss Morgan knows that they're Rangers but not me.' I think as I quickly rush off while I hear some sounds of protests behind me.

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