Chapter 13: A New Threat

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~Amanda's Dream~

I was in a dark area. I walked around and was soon found in a forest. When I entered a clearing my blue eyes widened into saucers at the sight before me. My friends were on the ground knocked out and unconscious. I quickly ran to them and kneeled down besides Riley. "R-Riley? C-Come on, wake up!" I say desperately as I lay his head on my knees as I felt tears start to form in the corners of my eyes. I say a shadowed figure that seemed to be the same height as me approach as I stood up laying Riley's head gently back onto the ground as I stood up in a fighting position, "Wh-Who are you and what's going on?" I yelled trying to hide my fear but failing miserably, "Why, I'm you of course." I heard a voice say similar to mine as I stared in shock, "Wh-what? H-How?" I asked as my defense dropped while I looked at the person, me, shocked as I quickly shook my head, "No. You're not me! I would never do something like this!" I exclaim as I wave my hand to my friends. "Oh, it's quite simple. The pendant is what gives me energy, and it's what brings out your darkest, spots." She says smirking at me, "Don't worry though...soon this fantasy will come in time." the dark me says smiling as I watched confused. "Wh-what?" I ask as I get in a fighting stance, "Oh, that won't be needed right now." the dark Amy said as she fired some purple beams at me as I quickly ducked and rolled away. "Oh yeah? Try me!" I respond back as I pull out my Saber. Dark me comes at me firing as I quickly block it only for her to override me and kick me down. She blasts at me as I try to protect myself. I suddenly look at myself and see that I'm starting to fade. "You're waking up now, but trust me. We'll meet again, and soon." she says as she turns into shadows and disappears. I start to inwardly panic as I notice my friends disappear and I'm in some kind of dark, pitch black place as I hear evil laughter and feel my head about to explode. Suddenly, a bright light takes over while I cover my eyes from becoming blind.

~Riley's POV~

As soon as we brought Amanda to the base Miss Morgan was there already. When she say her in my arms limp she told us to lay her down on the cot. I did as I was told since we had a cot with some padding/mattress on it in the corner I laid her down gently as Miss Morgan quickly came over. "She has several bruises and cuts. What happened?" she asks turning towards us. "I noticed something seemed off but she just shook it off, and it seemed like she was fine." Shelby says speaking up as everyone nods. "Then she just collapsed in front of the cafe as soon as we finished cleaning." Tyler says next. "Well it doesn't seem like she's 'fine'." I muttered angrily to myself for not seeing that. "You'll fix her up, right?" I ask desperately as she nods, "Of course. She might've just passed out from exhaustion from the battle against Spellbinder and the hits from Chase." Miss Morgan says as she gets some equipment. 'Chase.' Riley thought to himself as he clenches his fists and unclenched them. 'Calm down. He wasn't in control, it's not entirely his fault.' I think to myself as I walk a few feet away as I practice with my Saber as I try to stay cool and collected. I couldn't help but glance every now and then towards her. Miss Morgan finally finishes patching her up, "I've finished. All we can do now is wait." she says as she steps back and leaves the room. I put my Saber to the side as I walk over and grab a crate and sit beside her and examine every feature. "You really do care for her, don't you Riley?" I hear Keeper ask startling me as I whip my head around as I look back towards Amy. "Yeah." I respond. I suddenly notice her start to struggle, like she's having a nightmare or something, "Amy? Amy!" I exclaim seeing if she can hear me. "Amy, wake up!" I said desperately hoping for her to wake up from whatever she was having as I notice beads of sweat start to trickle down her forehead. I place my hand over hers hoping for her to calm down as she starts to calm down and relax, luckily. "Amy?" I ask quietly in a whisper.

~Amanda's POV~

I quickly opened my eyes as I sat up only to put my hand to my head as I let out a groan and flinched at the amount of immense pain from all over my body. I look and notice my vision is a bit blurry still but it eventually clears up as I look around and notice that I'm in the base, "Ugh. I feel like I've been hit by a bus." I mumble. I suddenly remember my dream and quickly start panicking until I feel someone's hand on mine. Ignoring the pain I wrap my arms around the person who's hand is on top of mine. "Amanda, what's wrong?" I hear Riley's voice ask as he returns the hug startled and confused, but nonetheless hugs back. The dream comes back to me as I can't hold back anymore and start quietly sobbing into his embrace as I remember their bodies and that Dark Amanda. I feel Riley move a bit as he sits on the cot beside me but not breaking away from the embrace as he rubs circles on my back with his hand, "Hey, it's going to be alright. Everything's okay." he whispers to me as I start to calm down a little. Suddenly it seems like I see Dark Amanda past Riley and quickly break away blinking my eyes. "I-I'm sorry." I mumble looking away as I let the tears fall not really caring at them at the moment. I feel a hand under my chin as I look up towards Riley right in the eyes as he wipes some of my tears away, "Everything's fine, there's no need to worry." he says calmly and in a soft voice as I smile softly and lean against his shoulder falling asleep as I'm carried into the dream world.

~3rd person POV~

Riley heard soft snores as he looked and saw Amy asleep. The green ranger smiled and carefully picked her up and carried her to her room in the base. Unknown to him that his fellow friends were watching from the entrance of the base smirking at the two, but also as a shadowed figure lingers in the shadows and disappears. Riley opened the door and set Amy in her bed and tucked her in as he stared at her face, seeing her so peaceful. He made up his mind and kissed her forehead as Amanda smiled in her sleep. "Sweet dreams, Amanda." Riley said as he left smiling to himself and closing the door softly. When he turned around and exited the hallway he saw his friends smirking at him with crossed arms, "Soooo...." Shelby starts as Riley rubs the back of his neck turning a tad bit red as his pink tint got deeper in color. "Good job, mate. You got yourself a fine one." Chase says speaking up as Riley shoots his head up at Chase and glares at him still a bit unsure on what to say. "I' in my room. Night." he said quickly as he went back towards the hallway and entered his room as he heard chuckles from behind him. 

Disclaimer regarding the new character, Dark or Evil Amanda. If you know Undertale and some fan comics and things, there's a character named Chara who's a ghost and follows Frisk around for a reason. That's basically what I'm doing, kinda but a bit difference and I have something planned...kinda...half-planned. Sorry, I'm just making this up as I go, don't really got a plan, just ideas. 

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