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Snapchat from Pea💪🏼
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FFogarty: Third wheeling 🤭

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FFogarty: Third wheeling 🤭

Liked by TTopaz and 2000 others

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JugJones: What a cute couple
KKeller: Do they have a ship name ?
JugJones: Ofc they do "Tea" @KKeller
TTopaz: Wtf is tea ?
FFogarty: Toni and Pea 🤣 @TTopaz
CherylB: Come on TT it's kinda cute @TTopaz
TTopaz: The ship name or me Bombshell ?
CherylB: Well both 😏
KKeller: "wEll BoTh" 🧐🧐🧐🧐
Sweets: Aww Red I love how close you and my gf are she literally won't stop talking about you @CherylB
TTopaz: Well she's my best friend so 😌
FFogarty: Ugh best friend. If Cheryl is your best friend than Sweetpea here is your boyfriend 🤣🤣🤣🤣
CherylB: Wait I don't get it @FFogarty
TTopaz: Shut it Fangs !

Text messages

Tiny👼🏽: Fangs !! Stop it Cher isn't dumb she'll figure it out

Fangs👊🏼: Toni it was just a joke and let me remind you that you are the one who's lying to her

Tiny👼🏽: I know Fangs and I'll tell her that I don't date Sweets but I have to tell her about Veronica as well

Fangs👊🏼: I know that you like her Tiny and that you want only the best for her but maybe it isn't your place to tell her about Veronica

Tiny👼🏽: Yeah I know tomorrow's her birthday

Fangs👊🏼: Give Veronica at least a chance to tell her

Tiny👼🏽: Yeah I will. Thanks Fangs love u

Fangs👊🏼: Love u too

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