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Cher🧡: Babe we need to move the boxes
Fangs👊🏼: So you and Red huh
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Text messages

Cher🧡: Babe we need to move the boxes

TT❤️: Yes Cher I know but I am at my uncle's trailer and trying to pack everything

Cher🧡: Okay yeah sorry don't rush

TT❤️: Cheryl are you sure you are okay with it ?

Cher🧡: Toni I asked you to move in with me of course I am sure

TT❤️: But ?

Cher🧡: Aren't you scared ? That we are rushing our relationship

TT❤️: Well we are still in high school and we are moving in together so yes it's kinda rushed but Cher we don't have to do this if you don't want to

Cher🧡: No Toni I really really want to but I am just insecure I don't want to lose you because you'll be annoyed by me

TT❤️: Cher it's not going to happen okay ? I love to be around you 24/7 but yeah maybe we should also have time for ourselves and our friends

Cher🧡: I 100% agree. We'll be alright TT

TT❤️: We will be great baby


TTopaz: Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend 🙄

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TTopaz: Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend 🙄

Liked by BettyC and 172093 others

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CherylB: Your girlfriend is perfectly fine
BettyC: Cousin cousin I am so happy to see you like this
FFogarty: My favourite redhead !!!
CherylB: My favourite vampire ❤️
AAndrews: Ouch Fangs
TTopaz: Ouch Cheryl
KKeller: What ?
Sweets: I choked
Mantle: Why would Toni be offended ?
VeronicaL: Oh guys didn't you see the hickeys on Cheryl's neck ? That's why she meant
JugJones: I didn't need to know this

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