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Text messages

Betty: Spill the tea Cheryl

Cheryl: Good morning to you too cousin

Betty: Spill. The. Tea.

Cheryl: What tea ?

Betty: I saw you talking to Toni last night at the party

Cheryl: And ?

Betty: What did you two talk about ?

Cheryl: Nothing just catching up

Betty: Don't bullshit me Cheryl

Cheryl: Okay maybe we exchanged numbers and followed each other ?

Betty: Omg are you thinking about maybe starting something new with her ?

Cheryl: To be completely honest no I don't think so

Betty: Why not ?

Cheryl: Betty I don't really want to overthink it. I just want it to be. Friends

Betty: For how long you two want to try this friendship thing. It never worked. You can't be a friend with someone who used to be the love of your life

Cheryl: I am too exhausted to have this conversation. Text you later

Text messages

Toni: Hey there Blossom

Cheryl: Toni hiii

Toni: How's your morning ?

Cheryl: Good can't complain. Yours ?

Toni: Better now

Cheryl: Please don't tell me you missed my life drama

Toni: Oh absolutely, my life was so boring without your drama self haha

Cheryl: Omg rude

Toni: But seriously, I am glad we talked

Cheryl: So am I, I was so confused bc of the way we left things

Toni: Ouchhhh you called our relationship thingsss

Cheryl: Shut up you know what I mean

Toni: I do. And for the record you are more beautiful than you were "when we left things" and I thought it wasn't even possible

Cheryl: And you haven't changed a bit. Still a big flirt

Toni: Not true my hair colour changed.

Cheryl: It did. I loved the pink but seeing your natural colour is something else

Toni: Yes ! Jess said she like this better but idk I like both haha

Cheryl: Oh and who's Jess ?

Toni: Watch out Bombshell. You need to be at level 5 of our friendship to learn that ;)

Cheryl: So now we are doing levels ?

Toni: What's the harm in it ? We haven't tried this one yet

Cheryl: And what would your girlfriend say about you being friends with your ex

Toni: Idk I would have to ask her. What would yours say ?

Cheryl: You need to be on level 5 of friendship to learn that ;)

Toni: Deal :) Pop's ? I need to level up a bit

Cheryl: Sure thing

Text messages

Tooopaz: V ?

Ronnie: T ?

Tooopaz: Does Cheryl have someone ?

Ronnie: Hmmm let me check with Betty

Tooopaz: Hurry up

Ronnie: Chill out and no she doesn't

Tooopaz: Oh crap

Ronnie: And why do you sound disappointed ?

Tooopaz: Because I can't help myself around her

Ronnie: And why is that such a bad thing ?

Tooopaz: Don't you remember why we broke up ?

Ronnie: She went to NY and you went to California

Tooopaz: Exactly. I don't want to put her through it again. I am leaving in 5 days back to Cali and she'll go back to NY. We won't handle long distance if we even tried this again besides I am not even sure if it's just the attraction or I have feelings for her

Ronnie: Don't you want to talk to her about it ? She works in NY yes but she has her own company I don't think it would be that hard. Plus you'll finish your school in 2 months or so

Tooopaz: Yeah I should talk to her. But it has to wait for now. I have to figure out my feelings first

Ronnie: Don't wait for too long though

Tooopaz: I won't


CherylB: Tried to keep you close to me but life got in between

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CherylB: Tried to keep you close to me but life got in between...

Liked by FFogarty and 421502 others

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FFogarty: Uh oh the caption tho 🤯
BettyC: Not gonna say anything about the caption
TTopaz: Wow just wow
Sweetpea: I could've say something about the caption
KKeller: You know my best ship so I respect them but the caption omg
VeronicaL: I was so dumb to cheat on you #kidding #dontkillmechonishippers
CherylB: Ronnie hahaha hilarious you know I am over it
Mantle: Hmmmm subtle babe
VeronicaL: Don't be jealous I love only you and besides we know that the caption wasn't just random

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