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                     Snapchat from Fangs🐻
           Cher😍: Toniiii where did you go
Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: We have a problem Toni


                                       Snapchat Fangs🐻

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AAndrews: Babysitting Cheryl bc her friend Toni is missing

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AAndrews: Babysitting Cheryl bc her friend Toni is missing

Liked by JugJones and 2300 others

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KKeller: @TTopaz come and get ur gf
Sweets: Where is she ? She was in the garden 5 mins ago
FFogarty: I would say somewhere banging Cheryl but clearly not
JugJones: I haven't seem Betty either
KKeller: Omg Betty gone gay ?
AAndrews: Jeez I am blocking this section

                           Text messages

Cher😍: Toniiii where did you go

Cher😍: TT I miss you 🙁

TT💋: Sowyy babe I was playingw beer pong with Chuck and Moose. I beat em

Cher😍: Ugh don't move I am getting you

TT💋: Hurry upppppp

TT💋: Babyyyyyy

TT💋: I am bored I'll get a beer

Text messages

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: We have a problem Toni

Toni🐣: No pwonlem Sweets I have woldr huttesr girfend

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Fuck you are wasted

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Toni please listen to me ! Don't go near kitchen

Toni🐣: Hehehee youre funnnny

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Fuck Topaz

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Toni talk to me talk to me about Cheryl but don't fucking move

Toni🐣: Immm head ovrrr healss Peaa last half a yearr was the besstr

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: You have your 6 month's anniversary in few days so actually it's not half a year yet

Toni🐣: Smartasssss or shwuuld i say peassss

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Just stay where you are

Toni🐣: Hey Sweets it's Cheryl here I am going to take her home

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Okay but can you please avoid kitchen ?

Toni🐣: Of course why ?

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: I'll explain tomorrow. Drive safe

Toni🐣: Okay bye

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