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Peapod🥴: What ?
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TT❤️: What's happening ?

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Tiny's gf: Sweetpea

Peapod🥴: What ?

Tiny's gf: Look I know I wasn't the best girlfriend to Toni these past few weeks and I am sorry I hurt her

Peapod🥴: I don't give a shit about your apologies. She almost died because of you Cheryl. Do you understand ? You messed with her head

Tiny's gf: Sweetpea it's not like I meant to hurt her. I wasn't the one who stabbed her

Peapod🥴: Weren't you tho ? You stabbed her in the back by developing feelings for Heather. How would you like if her ex just showed up and she would be all over her ?

Tiny's gf: Okay I get your point but what do you want me to do ? I regret it I apologised like 100 times and I can't undo it

Peapod🥴: You are not good for her. You bring to her life just pain nothing more. How many times are you going to break up until you break up for good ? She deserve someone better who'll put her first and give her all the love in the world

Tiny's gf: This is not fair you know I love her

Peapod🥴: And yet it's still not enough

Tiny's gf: I am not perfect Sweetpea. What do you want me to do ?

Peapod🥴: I am not the one who should tell you what to do. I am just saying you're destroying her that's all. She would be better off without you


CherylB: I want to get back to this day

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CherylB: I want to get back to this day. I would've hugged you a little tighter. I love you but sometimes love isn't enough

Liked by Sweets and 88401 others

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TTopaz: What is this suppose to mean ?
FFogarty: What happened with you two T ?
TTopaz: I honestly have no idea
BettyC: WTF Cheryl
VeronicaL: I don't like this at all
JugJones: Something's happening
KKeller: Don't fuck with my Choni heart

Text messages

TT❤️: What's happening ?

Cher🧡: Toni I can't

TT❤️: What is it baby ?

Cher🧡: I can't keep hurting you Toni

TT❤️: What do you mean ?

Cher🧡: That maybe we shouldn't be together

TT❤️: No

Cher🧡: What do you mean no ?

TT❤️: We are not doing this Cheryl. We are going to talk about it. We need to learn how to communicate

TT❤️: Where did all this come from ?

Cher🧡: Toni can't you see it ? You almost died because of me. I only bring pain to your life

TT❤️: Cheryl it wasn't your fault me being stabbed. And you bring so much love and happiness to my life so don't say that you are hurting me because being with you is the second best thing that ever happened to me

Cher🧡: What's the first ?

TT❤️: Your love. I can't believe I am this lucky to call you mine and being loved by someone so sensational as you baby. Don't you ever say that you are hurting me. Only thing hurting me is that you think you bring pain to my life

Cher🧡: I love you so much Toni I can't even put it in words

TT❤️: Cheryl what happened ? Please tell me why are you so insecure about all of it ?

Cher🧡: Well I had a chat with Sweetpea

TT❤️: I am going to murder him

Cher🧡: No TT please it's fine really. I am so sorry I ever doubted our relationship bc of that. I love you and I don't know how would I live without you

TT❤️: It's okay I am not mad but you just need to tell me babe. We need to communicate more okay ?

Cher🧡: Okay. I love you

TT❤️: Love you more

Cher🧡: Not possible my sweet

TT❤️: We will talk about it some more later okay ? But no not breaking up and shit because I am done with that

Cher🧡: Yeah sorry I acted that way. I don't want to break up. God I want to grow old with you

TT❤️: I love you Cher and I promise you we are okay. You see ? We got through our insecurities without breaking up what a grow up 😝

Cher🧡: Ha ha my girlfriend is very funny but seriously I am really glad Toni

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