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           Peapod🥴: Are you fucking serious ?


CherylB: I am over you and it feels fucking amazing

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CherylB: I am over you and it feels fucking amazing

Liked by VeronicaL and 500 others

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VeronicaL: Bombbbbb 😚
CherylB: @VeronicaL ❤️
KKeller: You are not over her you love her so get your head out your ass
BettyC: Cheryl reply at least
JugJones: Un-fucking-believable
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Text messages

Peapod🥴: Are you fucking serious ?

Tiny's gf: What do you want

Peapod🥴: It has been 3 weeks and you are over her and with Lodge ?

Tiny's gf: I don't need to answer that don't bother me again

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VeronicaL: Back at it 😘

Liked by Cheryl B and no one else

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