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                Fangs👊🏼 to Serpents🐍: ???
Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️ to Serpents🐍: Fuck Toni
Jug👑 to Serpents🐍: Slow down
Cher😍: Leave me the fuck alone
Mother: Toni can we talk ?
Fangs👊🏼: Yes ?
Text messages
Serpents🐍 groupchat

Toni🐍: Guys something happened

Fangs👊🏼: ???

Toni🐍: Peaches came to ma at Wyrm saying she needs to discuss something. Apparently she met my mom yesterday

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Fuck Toni

Toni🐍: So I told her to continue. She told me that she is so sorry but it's better if she tells me in person and that's why she came. I was so confused. She told me that Sam died in Afghanistan and that's why my mom returned home. To inform me. Fuck I don't know what to do

Jug👑: Slow down

Jug👑: Why Peaches knew ?

Toni🐍: I don't fucking know Jughead but I was a mess so I hugged her but then she grabbed me and kissed me. I was in shock but I pushed her away and told her to fuck off

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: What the hell why would she kiss you ?

Toni🐍: I don't fucking know I was devastated after she told me about Sam and she hugged me and then it happened

Fangs👊🏼: That girl is insane really

Jug👑: Fuck Toni I am so sorry about Sam

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: We are coming over Fp will cover your shift

Chat between Cher😍 and TT💋

TT💋: Cher fuck I need to tell you something

Cher😍: Leave me the fuck alone

TT💋: What ? Cheryl I really need you right now

Cher😍: Don't text me Topaz we are over go locking lips with Peaches

TT💋: What the fuck ? Cheryl I can explain just let me please I can't do this without you

Cher😍: I don't want to hear your excuses. I trusted you. Goodbye

TT💋: Cheryl please give me one minute

TT💋: I pushed her away

TT💋: Please Cheryl

TT💋: I can't do this without you

Chat between Mother and Toni

Mother: Toni can we talk ?

Toni: I know everything mother

Mother: About Samantha ?

Toni: Yes

Toni: How did it happen ?

Mother: She was defusing bomb and it exploded that's what they said

Toni: Fuck

Mother: I am sorry Toni it hurts. I know you hate me so I won't bother you again

Toni: Mother I have no one. I don't have my big sister what will I do ?

Mother: There's one more thing

Toni: What ?

Mother: It's about Fangs

Toni: What about him ?

Mother: He is your brother... step brother


Toni: Why are you telling me this now ?

Mother: Because you lost your sister but you have a sibling. Fangs is your blood

Toni: Is he yours ?

Mother: Yes

Toni: I hate you. Don't contact me again nor my friends or family

Chat between Fangs👊🏼 and Tiny👼🏽

Tiny👼🏽: Fangs

Fangs👊🏼 Yes ?

Tiny👼🏽: You are my brother

Fangs👊🏼: Awww Tiny you know you are my sister from another mister

Tiny👼🏽: You are actually right. You are my step brother

Fangs👊🏼: Well hahaha yes

Tiny👼🏽: I am serious Fangs my mom told me well I guess our mom

Fangs👊🏼: What ??

Tiny👼🏽: I am not joking

Fangs👊🏼: Well it's overwhelming but I couldn't wish for better step sister

Tiny👼🏽: I love you Fangs

Fangs👊🏼: Love you too sis

Fangs👊🏼: Too soon ?

Tiny👼🏽: No it's just... Cheryl broke up with me she probably saw the kiss. We have our anniversary tomorrow I can't Fangs

Fangs👊🏼: Fuck we are on our way hold on

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