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                 Cher😍: I will murder her
Snapchat form Cher🧡



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TTopaz: I just love her goofiness ❣️

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CherylB: Toniiii nobody was supposed to see my other side 😡
TTopaz: Awww baby are u mad at me ?
Sweets: You are acting like she could be mad at you longer than for 30 seconds
CherylB: Actually 30 seconds is too long
JugJones: You are a big softie Cheryl Blossom
TTopaz: Exposed🤭
BettyC: Cousin cousin you are very predictable haha
CherylB: Ughhhh you are bullying me
FFogarty: Oh Tiny you act like you didn't stay up all night just to make sure that Cheryl is okay after her break up
CherylB: Aweeeee babe you really did that ? And thanks Fangs for having my back💋
Sweets: Ohhh Toni is blushing so hard
VeronicaL: Cheryl you can still come back to me if you are sick of that scum
Sweets: Leave Veronica before I make you
CherylB: You'll call my girlfriend scum one more time and I swear that you'll regret even following me on ig

Text messages

Cher😍: I will murder her

TT💋: Calm down Cher as hot as you are like that rn you need to calm down

Cher😍: No Toni I won't because she offended you and I cannot stand this

TT💋: Cher baby she won't get between us. Just ignore her focus on our relationship that's the important thing to do

Cher😍: You are right TT but I just don't like it when someone treats you this way

TT💋: I know but it's really fine don't worry about it

Cher😍: Please baby just promise me that Veronica or anyone else won't tear us apart

TT💋: I won't let that happen. I promise

Cher😍: ❤️


                                Snapchat Cher🧡

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————————————————————————                     Veronica's phone

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Veronica's phone

Text messages

Veronica: Hello there

Peaches: Hi who's this ?

Veronica: Veronica Lodge

Peaches: Oh hey Lodge. What do you want ?

Veronica: Look I know you like that Topaz girl and I like Cheryl the only problem is that they are dating so do you want to team up and break them up ?

Peaches: Sure thing ! When do we start ?

Veronica: Does right now sounds good ?

Peaches: Perfect actually ;)

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