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Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: About ?
Sweets tagged you in a post
Cher🧡: TT ?

Text messages

Toni🐣: We need to talk

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: About ?

Toni🐣: About what you said to my girlfriend

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: You mean the truth ?

Toni🐣: Look Pea I am not really okay with you saying shit to my gf. About her hurting me and bullshit like that ? Breaking up with me ?

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: So what ? It's truth if it wasn't for her the Ghoulies wouldn't stab you Toni. Every time you fight you are sad and broken and it's destroying you

Toni🐣: Sweetpea relationships aren't always about being sappy and whipped. So what we fight sometimes but it doesn't mean that I don't love her

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: She literally had feelings for someone else

Toni🐣: You don't know shit about her feelings. Sweetpea you are my family I love you but I need you to respect my relationship with Cheryl.

Toni🐣: She's aware that we need to communicate more but please don't you ever dare to tell her she's hurting me.

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: I just want you to be happy Toni

Toni🐣: I appreciate it but she makes me the happiest okay ?

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Sorry T it won't happen again

Toni🐣: Thank you but I am not the one you should apologise

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: I know and I will apologise to Cheryl as well

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Do you want to come over ? Jug is here and we can call Fangs

Toni🐣: Sounds good I am omw

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Nice


Sweets: I want to apologise publicly to @CherylB for being such an asshole ❤️ don't worry Red your gf did the beating for you

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Sweets: I want to apologise publicly to @CherylB for being such an asshole ❤️ don't worry Red your gf did the beating for you

Liked by FFogarty and 76210 others

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CherylB: We are okay Sweets 💕
TTopaz: Lucky you Pea
FFogarty: Omg my sis really gave you a black eye
JugJones: I am not really surprised
BettyC: Toni protecting Cheryl is the cutest
VeronicaL: You're such a badass T
CherylB: Wait I thought you were joking 😳
KKeller: Someone is in trouble @TTopaz

Text messages

Cher🧡: TT ?

TT❤️: Yes babe ?

Cher🧡: Did u really punch Sweetpea ?

TT❤️: Kinda ?

Cher🧡: Toni

TT❤️: So what babe he told me himself I should punch him rather then being mad with him. And now we are okay

Cher🧡: I am happy TT but still you shouldn't punch your friend 🙄

TT❤️: I was defending my baby

Cher🧡: When did you give a birth Toni ?

TT❤️: Hahaah very funny

Cher🧡: You still love me

TT❤️: Despite your not funny humour

Cher🧡: My humour is perfectly fine

TT❤️: Uhm yeah sure

Cher🧡: I hate you

TT❤️: I bet you do 😉

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