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                      Bombshell🔥: TT ?
            FFogarty commented: Tiny...
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TTopaz: I believe we secretly love each other

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TTopaz: I believe we secretly love each other

Liked by CherylB and 3333 others

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CherylB: Wow Toni 😍
TTopaz: @CherylB ❤️
FFogarty: Tiny it's really not a secret
Sweets: You forgot to tag @CherylB you are welcome
JugJones: Yo Topaz you are really bad at hiding secrets
KKeller: Hello Toni who are you talking about
PeachesNC: Chill out guys she is talking about me
KKeller: Excuse youuuu ??? Get out choni is otp hereee

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Bombshell🔥: TT ?

ChaCha: Yes Cher ?

Bombshell🔥: I just wanted to thank you for last night. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep without you

ChaCha: No problem I am just glad that you are okay

Bombshell🔥: I am also happy that I have my best friend back

ChaCha: So am I

ChaCha: I missed you Cher so much

Bombshell🔥: Who wouldn't ?

ChaCha: Sweetpea ?

Bombshell🔥: Oh please he secretly loves me

ChaCha: He is not the only one

Bombshell🔥: Who else ?

ChaCha: Fangs adores you

Bombshell🔥: Oh okay

ChaCha: So now that you are single what will you do with your free time

Bombshell🔥: Spending time with single people. It's easier to find someone new

ChaCha: That means we are not going to spend time together I am not single

Bombshell🔥: WHAT ????

Bombshell🔥: Toni ??

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Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Heyooo

Toni🐣: Hi Sweets

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: So how are things between you and HBIC of Riverdale High

Toni🐣: Great we are back at being best friends

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Just best friends ?

Toni🐣: Yeah unfortunately

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Toni you have feelings for her. Why don't you tell her ?

Toni🐣: Because I don't want her to reject me

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: You saw the way she looks at you ?

Toni🐣: I need a proof Pea

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Make her jealous

Toni🐣: How ?

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: Peaches comment was on purpose she flirts with you forever so what if you start to flirt back ?

Toni🐣: I want Cheryl no Peaches

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: If you see jealous Cheryl you can make a move without embarrassing yourself

Toni🐣: Okay I can try it

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Bombshell🔥: WHAT ????

Bombshell🔥: Toni ??

ChaCha: Yeah Bombshell ?

Bombshell🔥: You aren't single ?

ChaCha: No I am ALBUM

Bombshell🔥:🙄🙄🙄remind me why I am talking to you ? Definitely not bc of your stupid silly jokes

ChaCha: Because you love me

Bombshell🔥: You wish. But seriously you aren't dating anyone right ?

ChaCha: Well no I am not but Peaches is hitting on my like crazy

Bombshell🔥: Oh okay

Bombshell🔥: Do you like her ?

ChaCha: No def not. Should I go on a date with her ?

Bombshell🔥: No !

Bombshell🔥: I meant it like no because it could hurt her feelings you know if you don't want to date her

ChaCha: Oh is that the only reason Cherry ?

Bombshell🔥: The only I can think of. Why ?

ChaCha: Maybe I was hoping that you would say that you are jealous because you want to go on a date with me but never mind

Bombshell🔥: Are you serious right now ?

ChaCha: Cheryl if you haven't noticed I like you a lot and of course I am serious

Bombshell🔥: I like you too Toni and I thought that you'll never ask

ChaCha: I still can pick Peaches

Bombshell🔥: You wouldn't dare !!!

ChaCha: You are right you are only one girl I am interested in

Bombshell🔥: So when is the date ?

ChaCha: I'll pick you up at 7

Bombshell🔥: Can't wait x

ChaCha: Me neither Cher ❤️

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