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TT❤️: Cheryl
Heather: Hey
Betty💃🏼: What ?

Text messages

TT❤️: Cheryl

Cher🧡: Hmm ?

TT❤️: What are you doing ?

Cher🧡: That's not the best question Toni but the million dollar question is what are you doing

TT❤️: Cheryl you are overreacting

Cher🧡: Oh so I am overreacting ? Wow Toni you replaced me with Veronica and I am overreacting

Cher🧡: Let me remind you what you said "There won't be anything between me and her ever not romantically" and look at you now

TT❤️: This is funny Cheryl

TT❤️: Veronica is my friend, who do you think took that picture you genius ? It was Reggie her boyfriend

TT❤️: Let me remind you that you're the one who has feelings for two people and that's why we are not together cuddling on a bed watching Netflix

Cher🧡: Fuck fuck fuck

Cher🧡: Do you think I don't know that ? This is all my fault. Fuck I just miss you. And sorry for getting jealous for nothing

TT❤️: Honestly it's fine but we are on a break Cher. You can't act like we are together. Figure everything out okay ? And for the record I miss you too

Cher🧡: How's Fangs ?

TT❤️: He's going home tomorrow and he's getting stronger

Cher🧡: At least some good news. I am glad he's doing better

TT❤️: So am I

Text messages

Heather: Hey

Cheryl: Hi

Heather: I just wanted to check on you

Cheryl: U are sweet H

Heather: Do you need anything? I know it's not easy to be on a break

Cheryl: It sucks but it's for better

Heather: Do you really believe it ?

Cheryl: I don't know anymore

Heather: Do you want me to come over ?

Cheryl: Yes please I don't want to be alone

Heather: Okay I'll pick us a dinner

Cheryl: Sounds good

Chat between Betty💃🏼 and Cher🍒

Cher🍒: Betty

Betty💃🏼: What ?

Cher🍒: Come on you are seriously mad for that comment ?

Betty💃🏼: Yes because you are supposed to give yourself a time. You are just hurting both of you

Cher🍒: I know that cousin. When Toni texted me today she mentioned cuddling and watching Netflix and my heart skipped a beat

Betty💃🏼: Look Cher I get it. Heather was your first love and being here seeing her is throw back for you I get it.

Cher🍒: Betty I am so happy I have you

Betty💃🏼: Always Cheryl always

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