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Text messages

Ronnie: Heeeey girl

Tooopaz: Hi Ronnieee

Ronnie: When will you visit Riverdale. We miss you ;(

Tooopaz: You know that it's my last year here I need to finish this school

Ronnie: I know I know sorry I won't pressure you

Tooopaz: It's okay. I miss you too guys :(

Ronnie: I wish we could just go somewhere all of us together

Tooopaz: We will figure something out don't worry

Ronnie: Promise me

Tooopaz: I promise, you big baby

Ronnie: Great ! Reggie's saying hi btw

Tooopaz: Thankssss but I need to go. Text later ?

Ronnie: Sure bye ! Love u

Tooopaz: Ly

Text messages

Betty: Hey there cousin ! How's New York ?

Cheryl: Amazing ! But I miss home

Betty: You mean "I miss you"

Cheryl: Yeah whateverrr

Betty: Are u coming home anytime soon ?

Cheryl: Yes I have a week off so I'll probably visit you soon

Betty: Sounds good ! I am looking forward to it

Cheryl: So am I. I'll text you details

Betty: Yesss

Text messages
Former Riverdale's hotties

Fangs: Yo Tiny I've heard a rumor that you are coming back to Riverdale

Tiny: Who told you jeeeesus

Pea: You wanted to keep a secret or what !?

Fangs: Uhm Reggie did

Tiny: Ofc he did. Yea it's true but I wanted to surprise you

Jug: Yaaaaaaas Tinyyyy is coming home

Pea: I wonder why is Jughead in this group named "hotties"

Tiny: I could ask you the same Pea

Pea: Ouchhhhh that hurt

Jug: I missed you T haha

Tiny: Seee you soon Juggie

Fangs: Have u already told her Jug ?

Tiny: Told me what ?

Jug: I wanted to do it in person

Tiny: Omg what is it ? Tell me now or I'll stab you

Jug: Thanks Fangs very much :)

Tiny: Oh my god ! You proposed to Betty ?

Fangs: Wow I knew you are psychologist but how did you guess it ?

Tiny: Jughead it was about a damn time

Jug: Jeeeez thanks Tiny

Fangs: It's their engagement party on Friday  you have to come !!

Pea: Yeeeeeeessss southside serpents reunited agaaaaain

Tiny: Of course I'll be there guys I can't wait

Fangs: Hahaha maybe you'll finally get laid

Tiny: Guys you know I don't do one nights stands

Pea: Since ?

Jug: Uhm Pea don't go there

Tiny: It's okay you can say Cheryl's name. She's my ex not a mortal enemy

Fangs: She was a love of your life

Tiny: Was. Past tense

Jug: So you wouldn't mind seeing her again ?

Tiny: No. It's been a long time. I got over her, she got over me. We broke up because of distance not because we didn't love each other.

Jug: Okay so this would be the time to tell you she's coming to the engagement party

Tiny: Fine with me. I don't care tbh

Pea: Niceeee see u T


FFogarty: Back with sis @TTopaz at Pop's 🥤

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FFogarty: Back with sis @TTopaz at Pop's 🥤

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VeronicaL: Welcome back T ❤️
TTopaz: It's good to be back V 😇
BettyC: Toniiii Riverdale missed you
TTopaz: I missed Riverdale too Bettyyy
Sweets: Love youuuu sisss
Kev: Our bi queen is back !
Josie: Welcome back girlie
TTopaz: Thank you Jose. And haha Kev I missed you
FFogarty: Hello ? She is not in that picture guys ? I am. Compliment me
Sweets: Shut up Fangs you missed her as well
FFogarty: Can't deny that

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