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Ronnie😍: Who's TTopaz ???

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Ronnie😍: Who's TTopaz ???

Cheryl❤️: Calm down Veronica. She is just a bartender in Whyte Wyrm

Ronnie😍: And why did she follow my girlfriend ?

Cheryl❤️: I really don't know but can you blame her ? 😉

Ronnie😍: You are right I have to get used to the fact that I have the hottest girlfriend in the whole world 🤩

Cheryl❤️: I love you baby girl ☺️

Ronnie😍: I love you too and I am going to comment your post to let that bartender know that you are mine and only mine

Cheryl❤️: I swear Ronnie if I loose one follower I'll break up with you

Ronnie😍: Love you too 😘


CherylB: Lost in thoughts 💭

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CherylB: Lost in thoughts 💭

Liked by TTopaz, BettyC and 2500 others

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BettyC: Photo credits cousin ?
JosieMC: That's my bestie everyone !
VeronicaL: My baby girl I love you sm😘
CherylB: @BettyC I can't give you photo credits bc you took 100 pictures and only this one was good
BettyC: Rude cousin rude 😒
CherylB: @JosieMC ❤️ @VeronicaL I love you too dork 🙄

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