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TT❤️: Arrived to the Wyrm
Fogarty🦎: Yes Red ?
Kev🏳️‍🌈 to Riverdale finest🍭: Graduation/ Toni's bday party tomorrow at Archie's ?

Text messages

TT❤️: Arrived to the Wyrm

Cher🧡: Have a nice shift xx

TT❤️: Ugh I miss you already 🥺

Cher🧡: Quit pouting Cha Cha

Cher🧡: For the record I miss you too

TT❤️: I'll work till midnight so you'll probably be asleep when I come home

Cher🧡: Home. I love the sound of that TT

TT❤️: So do I. Our home baby

Cher🧡: Our home

Cher🧡: Can you imagine that we are graduating tomorrow on your birthday ?

TT❤️: Insane I know. And 2 years together

Cher🧡: Yes with little breaks but still 2 years

TT❤️: I love you so much babe

Cher🧡: I love you too now get to work

TT❤️: Yes ma'am

Chat between Blossom👩🏻‍🦰 and Fogarty🦎

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Fangs

Fogarty🦎: Yes Red ?

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: I want to treat my TT and you are her brother so tell me what does she want the most ?

Fogarty🦎: Well you but she already has you so idk

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Yes I am aware thank you for reminding 🙄

Fogarty🦎: Jeeeez Red do you want my help or not ?

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Any HELPFUL suggestions ?

Fogarty🦎: Well she mentioned vacation in Philippines once

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Perfect Fangy thank you so much

Fogarty🦎: Wow Blossom you really want to take her there ?

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: It's her birthday tomorrow after all but don't you dare to tell her about it or anyone else or you will witness the anger of Cheryl Blossom

Fogarty🦎: Chill out Red I won't say anything.

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: You better Franklin Thomas Fogarty

Fogarty🦎: You don't have to government name me Marjorie

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Toodles

Fogarty🦎: You are so extra

Riverdale finest 🍭

Kev🏳️‍🌈: Graduation/ Toni's bday party tomorrow at Archie's ?

Veronica: And Archie knows about it ?

Betty💃🏼: Doubt it

Peapod🥴: Now he knows

Archie🎸: Now I know

Fogarty🦎: I am in

Archie🎸: So am I since it's at my place

Hobo 👀: Will there be any food ?

Kev🏳️‍🌈: Duh of course it's a party after all

Mantle: Alcohol ?

Fogarty: That too

Veronica: Count me and Reggie in

Cher🧡: Me and my TT as well

Archie🎸: Bring bath suits we have a new pool

TT❤️: Yaaaay can't wait. Best birthday ever

Hobo👀: She said it all

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