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Snapchat from Fangzz
Fogarty: Hey there Blossom part 2
BettyC liked your post
TT💋: Babeeeee


                                    Snapchat Fangzz

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Fogarty🦎: Hey there Blossom part 2

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Hi Fangs

Fogarty🦎: How's everything going with ya

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Honestly I did not think that I can be this happy

Fogarty🦎: That's great and who we thank for ur happiness ?

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: You know exactly who

Fogarty🦎: You are right but you don't need to thank me Blossom I am happy to help ❤️

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Fogarty🦎: No but seriously Cheryl I like you not in a weird way haha but please don't hurt my little sis

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: I wouldn't dare. She is too perfect to be hurt

Fogarty🦎: Ayyyy someone is whipped as fuck

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Shhhhh do not expose me

Fogarty🦎: But Cheryl promise me that if there was any problem in the future you will tell me do not go HBIC on Tiny or me haha

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Can't promise not turning HBIC mood on but I def will inform you

Fogarty🦎: kk love u Blossom

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Too much love😒

Fogarty🦎: You meant "love you too Fangs"

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Sure 🙄❤️



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CherylB: Guess who took this picture ❤️

Liked by BettyC and 7000 others

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BettyC: The same person who makes you smile everyday
Sweets: The same person who has been staring at this pics for 10 minutes straight but isn't straight hahahaha
FFogarty: Wait but I did not take this photo🤔
JugJones: Wow good one Pea and Fangs😂
TTopaz: The same person who is your perfect hot girlfriend
CherylB: Gorgeous gf TT ❤️
KKeller: LOVE THEM 😍

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TT💋: Babeeeee

Cher😍: Yes TT ?

TT💋: I am hungry and I am too lazy to move

Cher😍: I swear you act like 5 year old

TT💋: You love it

Cher😍: I certainly do not 😒

TT💋: Liaaaar

Cher😍: Anyway today is that party at Archie's

TT💋: We should def go Cher !

Cher😍: So u are done acting like 5 yo ?

TT💋: Not sure you need to hold my hand u know just to be sure that I won't get lost ;)

Cher😍: You are the worst 🙄

TT💋: Meet me at my place in 10 babe

Cher😍: On my way

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