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Cher🧡: TT please don't be mad
Jug👑 to Serpents🐍: Emergency
Veronica: What can I help you with ?

Text messages

Cher🧡: TT please don't be mad

TT❤️: Why would I be mad ?

Cher🧡: Well I need to cancel our tonight's date

TT❤️: Cheryl it's 5th time this month

Cher🧡: I know I know but I promised H that I'll help her decorate her room

TT❤️: And that's more important than our date ?

Cher🧡: Come on Toni she doesn't have friends here

TT❤️: Yeah so you need to save her right

Cher🧡: I am sorry Toni

TT❤️: It's fine have fun

Cher🧡: Toni come on

TT❤️: Cheryl just go. Be safe

Cher🧡: I love you

Serpents🐍 groupchat

Jug👑: Emergency

Fangs👊🏼: What happened ?

Jug👑: One of our sources told us that Ghoulies plan to attack

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: What ? When

Jug👑: Well probably today but we can't be sure

Toni🐍: And where ?

Jug👑: Probably White Wyrm

Fangs👊🏼: Fuck

Jug👑: I need to have everyone there asap

Fangs👊🏼: T and I are on our way

Sweetpea🤦🏻‍♂️: I'll be there in 10

Text messages

Toni: Hey I need to discuss something

Veronica: What can I help you with ?

Toni: I hate to talk about her with you but I need to discuss Cheryl

Toni: I am going on a Serpent business but I need my head clear so that's why I am asking you for this

Veronica: Okay sure yes

Toni: So since Heather came 1 month ago Cheryl spends almost all of her time with her. She cancels our dates just to help Heather with something and in the beginning I understood that she needs to reconnect with her but now it feels like I am losing her

Veronica: Look Toni this happened in our relationship too. When she met you she started cancelling our dates just to be with you. She was spending all her time talking about you or hanging out with you. Toni have you thought about her having feelings for Heather ? You know she was her first love so maybe she is not 100% over her

Toni: I didn't want to think about it tbh but maybe she has feelings for her

Veronica: Look you need to talk to her about it because I didn't and than I cheated and there's no going back from cheating. I am not saying you or her would do that but I don't want you relationship possibly becoming toxic for you two

Toni: What do I do if she has feelings for her ?

Veronica: I think you know T

Toni: You think I should break up with her ?

Veronica: Not necessarily maybe just a break until she sorts out her feelings for you and for her. She needs time to figure everything out without being pressured. Trust me I know it hurts Toni but you have us. Jughead, Sweetpea, your brother, Betty, Reg, me we are all here for you

Toni: Thank you V I really appreciate it. I need to talk to her about it. Communication is key after all

Veronica: You are very welcome and keep me updated


Text messages

TT❤️: Cheryl fuck why aren't you picking up your damn phone

TT❤️: Fangs got shot we are in hospital please come here I can't do this without you

TT❤️: Fuck Cheryl where are you

TT❤️: I need you please get here asap

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