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Kev🏳️‍🌈 created a groupchat
TT❤️: Cher ?
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Kev🏳️‍🌈 created a groupchat
Kev🏳️‍🌈 named the groupchat Riverdale finest🍭

Kev🏳️‍🌈: Hello my dear friends

Veronica: Hi Kevin

Betty💃🏼: What's this gc about ?

Fogarty🦎: My lovely boyfriend wanted to invite you to a barbecue at Sweetwater river

Peapod🥴: Hell yeah ! When is it ?

TT❤️: Whipped much Fangs ?

Kev🏳️‍🌈: It's tomorrow at 6 !

Fogarty🦎: You are one to tell Tiny. Constantly attached to Red's hip

Hobo👀: *shook*

Cher🧡: Kevin we will be there and Fangs sorry to disappoint but I am actually attached to her hip not the other way around

Archie🎸: Party party. I'll be there tomorrow

Veronica: Count me and Reg in

Peapod🥴: We love girlfriends who protect each other

Betty💃🏼: Me and Jug are in

Hobo👀: Are we ?

TT❤️: Ahahahahaha

Fogarty🦎: Please Jug you have nothing better to do. You would be with Betty at Pop's eating burgers and that's exactly what you can do at Sweetwater

Betty💃🏼: As I said we will be there

Kev🏳️‍🌈: Great see you all there

Chat between TT❤️ and Cher🧡

TT❤️: Cher ?

Cher🧡: Yes my love

TT❤️: Are you okay about us going to Sweetwater ?

Cher🧡: TT I wouldn't told Kev that we will be there if I wasn't. Honestly it's fine

TT❤️: Are you sure because we really don't have to go it's your call baby

Cher🧡: I really appreciate it and you are very sweet for checking up on me but it's fine

TT❤️: Okay. I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable

Cher🧡: Not possible. You'll be there to hold my hand through it all won't you

TT❤️: That's not even a question babe. Always

Cher🧡: I love you Toni

TT❤️: Oh do you nowwww it's because I am unbearably sweet ?

Cher🧡: No it's because you are unbearably hot 😉

TT❤️: So you date me only bc of my body huh

Cher🧡: Of course you thought there was any other reason perhaps ?

TT❤️: Ouch

Cher🧡: I am kidding baby. Your hot body is just cherry on top

TT❤️: Not literally on top tho

Cher🧡: Omg Toni

TT❤️: Revenge is a dish best served cold

Cher🧡: Stealing my lines are we

TT❤️: I like better stealing your hart 😉

Cher🧡: Please it's already yours

TT❤️: Look at you cheesy self

Cher🧡: Shut up

TT❤️: Love you too


CherylB: I was distracted

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CherylB: I was distracted

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TTopaz: Who dared to distract you ?!
VeronicaL: Pretty 😘
CherylB: @TTopaz don't remember
FFogarty: Wtf you are on a date like every day
BettyC: Yeah Jug you could be inspired
KKeller: I agree with Betty @FFogarty
TTopaz: Yep yep we set an example for happy couples

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