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                     Peapod🥴: How is she ?
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CherylB: This was taken before she got wasted 🙄

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CherylB: This was taken before she got wasted 🙄

Liked by FFogarty and 3070 others

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TTopaz: I am sorry for 100th time 🙁
Sweets: It looks like you won't get any...
TTopz: Shut the fuck up
KKeller: Finally choni content
BettyC: Cheryl ? Why are your pants dirty ?
FFogarty: Because Toni plays dirty 😈
CherylB: Oh god I am blocking all of you

Text messages

Peapod🥴: How is she ?

Tiny's gf: She has hangover but she deserves it

Peapod🥴: Yeah she does

Tiny's gf: Sweetpea ? What was that yesterday about

Peapod🥴: I have no idea why she got drunk Cheryl

Tiny's gf: That's not what I mean and you know it

Peapod🥴: Okay okay

Tiny's gf: Spill now

Peapod🥴: Someone from Toni's past showed up

Tiny's gf: Who pray tell ?

Peapod🥴: Her mother

Tiny's gf: What ???

Peapod🥴: Yes she was in the kitchen talking to Fp and trust me she never shows up for nothing

Tiny's gf: I know Toni told me she hates her because she sent her sister to "serve her country" as she would say

Peapod🥴: Yea Sam is in the army and Toni is as you know frustrated

Peapod🥴: Just don't tell her she is here

Tiny's gf: I can't lie to her

Peapod🥴: You won't just don't mention it

Tiny's gf: Ugh fine

Peapod🥴: Thanks Red

                       Veronica's phone

Peaches: Hey Lodge so is our plan set ?

Veronica: Sure it is. I will text Cheryl try to be friend with her again and then I'll get her back because you will mess with Toni's head. Of course I need to tell Cheryl that you and I are dating bc she would think I want her back. And after you kiss Toni, we need Cheryl to see it. Than I'll be her rock and she'll come back to me

Peaches: We are evil

Veronica: No we are just in love with them

Peaches: Okay but are you 100% sure it will work ?

Veronica: Yes but you have to tell Toni her mom's back in town maybe you could meet with her mom and ask why is she here ?

Peaches: Okay. Toni has busy week bc we have serpents meeting and than she works 12 hours shifts in Wyrm so they won't be together that much this week

Veronica: Perfect ! Our plan is on

Instagram DM

VeronicaL: Hey Cheryl since you deleted my number I have to text here. Look I am so sorry for everything I've done. The cheating the comments and everything else. I am with Peaches now we make a good couple but I miss our friendship I know it's lot to ask but maybe we could start fresh ?

CherylB: Hi Veronica I am glad you found someone. It's not easy to be cheated on you know ? Give me some time to think about it

VeronicaL: Of course I get it. I really am sorry

CherylB: I know. Bye for now

                             Text messages

Veronica: Hey P everything's going fine at my end

Peaches: Same here I am supposed to meet Toni's mom at Wyrm

Veronica: Good when I'll be with Cheryl in more trustful relationship I'll tell her that I think you are cheating on me and when she sees you with Toni she will think the same

Peaches: You are genius Veronica Lodge

Veronica: The things I do for love



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VeronicaL: Looking for you ❣️

Liked by PeachesNC and 10200 others

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PeachesNC: Wow babe 🥰
VeronicaL: @PeachesNC 😘
BettyC: Okay since when you 2 are dating ?
Mantle: Hot as fuck
VeronicaL: @BettyC not your business

Text messages

Peaches: Holy shit Veronica I have news

Veronica: What news ?

Peaches: I know why Toni's mother came

Veronica: Omg why ?

Peaches: Toni's sister died in Afghanistan

Veronica: Oh fuck

Peaches: Yeah I know

Veronica: Peaches you need to tell her

Peaches: I know

Veronica: I hate it but she'll be vulnerable and you can do what we planned

Peaches: Okay

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