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BettyC tagged you in a post
TT❤️: At Fangs's
Fogarty🦎: What why ?
Kev🏳️‍🌈 to Riverdale finest 🍭: Congratulations y'all


BettyC: I am so proud of us guys !!! Love you all

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BettyC: I am so proud of us guys !!! Love you all. @Sweets @TTopaz @FFogarty thank you so much that you at least showed up on your graduation 🙄

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Sweets: What got your panties in twist Cooper ?
JugJones: You'll talk to my girl like that one more time Sweetpea and I will stab you
Sweets: Please Jug it's just a joke
CherylB: Now now Peapod you better apologise to my cousin
TTopaz: Omg my girlfriend is so extra and yeah Pea apologise to Betty
Sweets: Fineeee I am sorry Cooper for that joke
BettyC: Apology accepted 🙄
FFogarty: Pea is scared of Choni 😂😂😂
KKeller: Who wouldn't they're badass

Text messages

Cher🧡: Where are you babe ?

TT❤️: At Fangs's

Cher🧡: You'll come home to change before that party ?

TT❤️: Probably

Cher🧡: Okay babe I'll wait for you

TT❤️: You don't have to

Cher🧡: What's up with you today TT ?

TT❤️: Don't worry about it

Cher🧡: You know damn well I will worry so you better spill

TT❤️: I am kinda busy right now talk to you later

Chat between Blossom👩🏻‍🦰 and Fogarty🦎

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Something's off with Toni

Fogarty🦎: What why ?

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Idk I told her I'll wait for her to get ready to the Archie's party and she told me I don't have to wait and that I should not worry what's wrong with her

Fogarty🦎: Weird let me ask her

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Omg don't be suspicious

Fogarty🦎: Jeeez don't worry

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: You are def siblings you even use the same lines 🙄

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: So you know what's up with her ?

Fogarty🦎: I do now 😒

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Spill the fucking tea

Fogarty🦎: It's your fault Red tbh. Toni thinks you forgot her birthday

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: What the heck

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: How could she think that

Fogarty🦎: Maybe because you didn't wish her hb ?

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Obviously I need to wait until the party so I can give her the present

Fogarty🦎: I do know that but she doesn't so you better text her or post something because she is seriously mad

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: She's such a drama queen

Blossom👩🏻‍🦰: Ugh but my drama queen 🙄

Fogarty🦎: Go Blossom 🙄

Riverdale finest 🍭

Kev🏳️‍🌈: Congratulations y'all

Veronica: Congratssssss guys

Hobo👀: We did ittttt

Fogarty🦎: Let's partyyyyy

Archie🎸: I am waiting for youuuu

Peapod🥴: Kev I'll go with your boyfriend and we'll meet you there okay ?

Kev🏳️‍🌈: Sounds good

TT❤️: I'll go with you Pea as well

Cher🧡: Babe ? I thought you are coming home before party

TT❤️: Obviously Cheryl I am not

Betty💃🏼: Whoa what's happening here

Cher🧡: Nothing cousin just miss understanding

Choni text messagesWhere stories live. Discover now