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Ronnie: Hey
KKeller tagged you...
TT❤️: You see

Text messages

Ronnie: Hey

Cheryl: Finally

Ronnie: What ?

Cheryl: TT told me you are about to text me

Ronnie: Ohhh anything else ?

Cheryl: No because my girlfriend is fair and let you actually explain

Ronnie: Okay so I just wanted to say that I am so sorry. I tried to break you and Toni up. I planned it with Peaches. She was supposed to kiss Toni after telling her about Sam. I just wanted you back. I loved you Cheryl and I couldn't have you so I was desperate. I am sorry

Cheryl: Veronica you hurt me by cheating on me. If you wouldn't we could've been together.

Ronnie: Cheryl please you know we wouldn't be together. You liked Toni at the time we were together you would end up with her.

Cheryl: So that's your excuse me liking Toni ?

Ronnie: No of course not Cheryl. I realised that you are happy with her and that's all I want. I kinda like Toni not in a weird romantic way but she is cool and loves you. What more you could ask for ?

Cheryl: You stay the hell away of my girlfriend. And yes Veronica I finally found someone who won't manipulate me and love me for who I actually am

Ronnie: I just wanted to apologise that's all Cheryl


KKeller: Ladies and gentlemen HBIC @CherylB

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KKeller: Ladies and gentlemen HBIC @CherylB

Liked by Sweets and 87432 others

View previous 19 comments

CherylB: Ladies and gentlemen my gay bestie
JugJones: So you can smile Cheryl
TTopaz: ❤️❤️❤️
JosieMC: I am back bitchizzzz
BettyC: Josieeeee girlll heyyy
Mantle: Andrews will be happy
FFogarty: Pea not so much

Text messages

Cher🧡: She texted me

TT❤️: You see

Cher🧡: I hate her TT

TT❤️: Come on Cher she tried

Cher🧡: So you are on her side now ? Don't you want to date her ?

TT❤️: No Cheryl you are not doing this right now. I am not fighting you on this. I just don't care about her and actually appreciate her apology

Cher🧡: Toni she broke us up

TT❤️: No Cheryl we broke us up because there wasn't proper communication and trust

TT❤️: I am not saying she is my best friend now. I just don't want to hate her

Cher🧡: But TT

TT❤️: No buts Cher. We are not fighting over this. I am not saying be friends with her again just try to understand. When we were broken up didn't you try everything you could to be with me again ?

Cher🧡: Well yes but I wouldn't use your grief against you

TT❤️: I know babe and that's why I love you and that's why you don't love Veronica anymore

Cher🧡: I actually date an intelligent person

TT❤️: Are you surprised ? 🙄

Cher🧡: Actually yes because you don't have enough experiences with relationships. Just hookups

TT❤️: That's true but you're my favourite hookup

Cher🧡: I don't know if I want to strangle you or kiss you right now

TT❤️: You can do both babe it's hot 😏

Cher🧡: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

TT❤️: Come over already I miss you 🥺

Cher🧡: You miss me or my body ?

TT❤️: Is it a catch ?

TT❤️: I miss both baby

Cher🧡: Diplomatic answer TT

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