Chapter 4: Boring guy

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I am escorting the Crown Prince to greet papa as only silence were with us. Since this morning, there's no conversation other than the greeting. Our footsteps on the marble floor were the only thing could be heard right now while my mind only focused to bring him to the living room. And I felt a strange familiarity whilst walking beside him. The feeling become stronger by each time passed.

Suddenly my eyes widened.

I stopped my pace and stood like a statue as the Crown Prince and the other servants turned to look at me in confusion. My mind becomes blank.

A piece of memory flashed in my mind as it comes into my view. I could see it like a movie while experience it vividly, as if I'm facing that scene right now.

"Annelestia, I tried to accept you. But if you continue to hurt others just because I'm supposed to be yours, you should stop before I take action"

"Why? Why should I? WHEN YOU CHOOSE THAT WOMAN OVER ME!?" the me who's out of control angrily yelled in front of his face. He shut his eyes as his expression telling that he's suppressing his dissatisfied feeling.

"I'm not choosing her over you Annelestia, but you're the one to step over the boundary. I may fall in love with her, but that doesn't mean I will abandon you and my responsibility"

"But your heart still choose her right?" The old me asked with a hurtful smirk on her face. He stayed quiet, signalling he agrees with what she just said.

"Fine! All I have to do is to wipe off that girl from the world"

"Don't you dare" He said with a warning look but Annelestia just sneered at him.

"If I do?"

"Then I, Crown Prince Bryan Wisteria of Gemilia, hereby call off my engagement with Annelestia Carnation, daughter of Duke William, and strip off her title as the Crown Princess"

After seeing it, I suddenly come back to my senses. My breathing became heavy as I couldn't believe it felt so real like it just happens just now.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly, the Crown Prince come to my view as he asked in worry. His face shows obvious no emotion.

I couldn't just tell him what I saw just now, can I?

"I'm fine"

Well, this is awkward. I looked at the Crown Prince for a while before looking at those flowers around us.

We were having a tea party at the garden, as he only drank his tea quietly while me, trying to obediently be a silent doll in front of him. There isn't a single word come out from his mouth.

'Is there gold in his mouth? Or did Cat got his tongue?' I thought while sensing the awfully quiet and awkward atmosphere. When I asked him anything, he just either nod or shook his head.

From what I experience just now, it looks like I haven't fully recovered my memory. I only remember basic things and main incidents, but I don't have collection for other memory. Like the time I actually tried to kill the girl who Bryan fell in love with. But how did it almost kill Bryan? And who's that girl who manages to steal his heart?

I sighed as I put my cheek on my wrist. I looked at his turquoise coloured eyes as I remember the time when I went to an Island at Sabah. The colour of the sea there was exactly the same as his eyes.

It was long after he noticed my stare, that he put down his cup. "Is there anything on my face?"

"Well, I think there is handsomeness?"

He didn't even flinch nor shown any reaction to my brazen claim. And that makes thing more awkward.

"I think I heard people say we need to appreciate beautiful things, haha," I said as I give an awkward smile.

No reaction. He just nodded his head slowly and later brush it off as if nothing ever happens. I feel like I'm facing a rock.

We continue to be in that quiet and awkward situation. Not until I couldn't stand this boredom.

"Seriously, did we really do this every time we meet?" I asked unconsciously.

The prince didn't answer while calmly sipping the tea. I pouted my lips in dissatisfied. I sighed.

"It's... boring" I mumbled.

"Then suggest a better thing do"

I looked at him in surprise when he manages to hear my slow mumble. But it is more surprising when he willing to listen to my ridiculous whine. Slowly, I smiled.

"If that's the case, you can do your own business and I do my own, okay?"

"You... Really did take the wrong medicine" the Prince put down his cup as he looked at me with his expressionless face and serious stare.

"Did I?" I grinned. "So, are you okay if I don't accompany all the time?"

"I'm fine," he said as he stood up followed by me before we started to walk away from the rosy gazebo.

So both of us reached our own agreement.

"Great! I'm going to read books, how about you?"

"Practice sword"

"There's a good swordsman here, Harchen. You should practice with him! I'm going to be at the library"

He didn't reply, instead, he gave me a stare. A cold stare that could make me feel the chill.

"Your highness?"

"You're so casual today, even your dress is"

He did notice it. Casual? Did he mean I'm being too brazen in front of him? Or did he actually compliment me?

"Thank you for the compliment, your highness," I said while curtsied. Suddenly a thought crosses my mind before I looked at him in hesitation. What was his name?

While my mind wanders while remembering the memories earlier, words slipped out my mouth without I notice.

"What is your name?"

The moment I realised it's a stupid question, it was too late and I asked without thinking. I could see a frown that he doesn't bother to hide crossed his face.

"There's a limit of how brazen you can be" He whispered quietly although he knew I could still hear it.

"I'm sorry, your highness!" I said as I bowed down.

"It's Bryan. Bryan Wisteria"

"Wisteria..." I said quietly while remembering the wisteria flower that I used to see in my last life. "I love that name"

Suddenly, it becomes quiet as he didn't say anything in response. Looks like it's me who need to break this silence.

"Well Prince Bryan, have a nice training" with that, I leave him alone in the garden before went to meet Harchen.

Bryan looked at Annelestia's figure who became smaller and smaller as she ran toward the mansion.

His eyes glued on her as confusion started to take over his mind.

"She is not Annelestia that I know"

Edited: 221119

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