Chapter 7: The Witch

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"Like this?"

"NO! WRONG!" Yelled the Magic Book as his flapped pages flying around me.
Haish, did he need to yell at me like that? My ears hurt everytime he yelled at me.

I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes, imagining the source of my power, which is in my mind and my heart, started to flow through my body.

The colour is red and blue light...

Suddenly again, I imagine the brioche and strawberry scones in my house which make me hungry.

"Brat, you failed again!"

I think I could be deaf anytime soon.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Magic Book"

"Hmp! You said you want to learn magic but still have nerve to think about something else"

"But practicing magic at 5 is too early! I still haven't got my breakfast..."

"You're the one who asked it!"

You heard it right (maybe read it right). I woke up at 5 in the morning just to learn magic. The main reason is because I'm too excited until I couldn't sleep well. The other reason was my schedule for that day was packed.

I have a lot of classes I need to attend, plus if I want to cancel any class I had, my parents will be questioning me. I couldn't afford telling them the truth, not until I could prove to them that I can use magic.

"Good morning, Miss Annelestia" greeted Mr. Roger, my history teacher as he entered the room.

"Good morning, Sir" I said, while my eyes didn't look at him. For your information, I'm still sleepy.

"My, you look tired, young miss. Do something troubling you?" Asked Mr. Roger, noticed how I'm not as cheerful as I always been.

"No, Sir. Please continue with your class" I said while trying to hold up a small smile for him. He nodded his head before opened the book of his.

"Please open page 78" he gave an order. "Today, we're going to learn about the magic in our country"

Hearing the topic we going to learn today, I quickly sit straight while looked at him with a curious and excited eyes. My enthusiasm on magic really did take over me.

Seeing my reaction, Mr. Roger chuckled. "You seem to be very interested in magic, aren't you?"

I nodded my head like a woodpeeker while my smile widened. "Well then, I shall start. Our country, Gemilia is known for its abundance of gems and Stones. Most of the stones we have contain nature magic, thus leading to the usage of it. Although we had the source, we don't stand in Magic abilities compared to other countries. It's because our people more using the magic stone than practicing the magic themselves"

"But, the magic stone doesn't have active magic, right?" I said, remembering the times when I used the magic stones.

"Exactly, most of the Stones have passive-like magic ability such as become source light and heat or conducting electricity. So, our country famous school, Hertzian Academy-"

'That's my academy!' I thought.

"-opened the only course that both commeners and aristocrats could join, the magic course. In this course, only talented commoner and aristocrats that could use magic can join. The founder of this course was no other than Gemilia head magic user, Lady Alice"

"She's... A witch right?"

"Powerful witch. Among the wizards, magician and other magic users, she's the strongest and the most contributing magic users to our country. She's also have the most rare elements, the light and dark elements"

Hearing how rare the type elements she has, I couldn't help but to gasp in amaze. I heard light element do exist and it considered rare in Gemilia. Dark element was even more rare than light since most of the dark-user were either on the dark side or demons. But having two of it was very, extremely extraordinary. To be specific, very exceptional and could be one in a thousands of years.

I remembered what the magic book said, having two opposite element will lead to difficulties of controlling them at once. Thus, if she manage to control both white and black opposite magic, she must have been powerful.

"After the founding of the course, more talented magic users start to born. But it's not enough to change the magic ability in our country"

I wonder, did I included in that group?

"Now, let's learn about the royalties that can use magic this far, shall we?"

Learning about the royalties who know how to use magic is truly boring. I need to memorise their name, when is their reign, their elements and how they use it. Is it really necessary?

Only the beginning of the chapter is interesting.

When I had the rest time after the classes, I went to my room before fall flat on my bed.

"It it really that tiring?" Asked the Magic Book as he fly around me.

"You don't know how torturing a school is"

"But it does make one's mind wiser"

I sighed before plopped from my bed and stood up straight with my hands on my hips. I looked at Magic Book with a huge smile on my face. "Let's practice!"

"It's 9 pm, brat. It's time for you kids to sleep"

"No! No! No!" I took the flying Magic Book as I closed its' page. I tried my hard not to let the cover to open and try to fly.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing!?"

"Let's go to the woods!" I said with the book within my arm as I open the window.

"Isn't it too dangerous in the woods!?"

"I can see many magic there!"

With that, I jumped down from the window.

I had reincarnated not that long, so don't underestimate my assassination skill yet.

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