Chapter 9: No Longer the Same

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As days passed, my training went great. I learn fast despite being left behind many things. My magic training was also proceed with fast speed.

My dance step became even more graceful, my etiquette, history, literature and other subjects become a piece of cake, thanks to my good memory. But the best lessons that I could score full marks were swordmanship and archery.

A lady from noble family doesn't need to learn such things because they don't go to battlefield, but since my cold and indifferent but loving father wanted me to protect myself when it's needed, he provided these classes for me and Felix.

I still remember when my life as Annelestia, I am terrible at it, especially swordmanship, which end me up dropping these classes. Not for this life, these were the most enjoying classes. At least, it is less brutal than the harsh training as Ji Ann.

I put the arrow on the bow before stretched the string out. One of my eyes closed, focussing on the red target that was quite far.

With a brimming confidence and smirk playing on my lips, the arrow shot straight right onto the middle of the red target. I could feel Felix's disbelief stare on me as I looked at him with a smug smile.

"A month worth of sweets, deal?" I said with a wide smile before he suddenly snapped out.

"It's not fair! You must be cheating!" He childishly yelled as he pointed his arrow toward me.

"I'm not, you saw it yourself right before your eyes"

"B-but..." Felix trailed off, as he couldn't find right words to retort. I smirk in victory while looked at him with my arrogant face. He frowned. "You were bad before this. Like, really, really bad. How come just in a month, you became really strong"

"I practiced"

"I don't believe it. It would at least take three months to hit the target precisely if you practice continuously. And before this, I'm better than you"

"Yes, I practice continuously. But I just don't show it. In fact, I practices everyday"

"When? Where? I knew usually guards from our house practice in this training area. And you don't even have enough endurance with all those classes you have. You can only practice twice a week"

I about to click my tongue but manage to stop myself. This boy, since when he became so sharp? He supposedly too stupid for this because he's just a 9 years old boy.

"Accept defeat Felix, I knew you're mad when you lose"

"I know I lose, but I just can't ignore it"

"Anyway," I changed the topic. "Every desserts you have will be mine"

"No!" Felix stomped his feet childishly as I giggled at his action. For a sweet lover like him would be a big demise. To me? Meh, it's not a big deal, I'm not a fans of sweet food. It just seeing his devasted face was satisfying. Before this, he was so confident and arrogant toward me just because he's slightly better at archery.

"Taste your own defeat!" I said as I stuck out my tongue.

Third Person's POV

If you are in the main library of the Diamax Mansion, you could see the training field through the window up there. While Ann was laughing at Felixion, she actually could feel a stare on her but choose to ignore it.

The pair of icy blue eyes that wouldn't leave those pair of siblings belongs to a dark-haired young looking man who's standing firmly beside the big window, Duke William Dianthus De Diamax.

"Good day, your grace" greeted a voice of a man that suddenly came and bowed down. It was the swordmanship teacher of Ann and Felix, also the father of Harchen.

"How is my children?" Asked Duke William with a cold and stern voice but they both know that despite the coldness in tone, there are concerns and worries beneath the question.

"They both are doing well in their lesson. In fact, it's a quick growth in talent"

"Be more specific on Annelestia"

"Lord, I'm afraid that something was wrong with her since a few weeks ago"

"How so?"

"Before this, she was so weak that even wielding a weapon could be harmful to her. But now, she even could swing the real sword skillfully while defeating me. It was a drastic change"

"Yes, I do sense a change from her. She seems so... Mature" commented Duke William as he remove his view from his children to face the teacher who responsible to teach them.

"I don't understand, how can young miss became so strong in a short amount of time? Although she suppress her strength, I could still feel it" asked the teacher in confusion. It was quiet, no response came from each side as the question remain unanswered. Duke William sighed quietly.

Who would have thought that his spoiled and fragile daughter suddenly became so mature and strong? Before this, she would always complain and asking for all her wishes to be fulfilled, but now that girl will always give a wide smile and accept everything calmly. She doesn't even tell what's on her mind, instead she became cheerful and obedient.

"Your grace!" Said a maid as she ran toward both of them and pant in tiredness, but it's not a right time to feel tired. Right now, the priority is the young miss. She looked at her master with a pale face and widened eyes.

"The young miss..." Rina want to finish her words but was out of breath.

"What happen?" Asked the swordman teacher as Rina tried breath calmly, at the same time, to find the right words.
"Young Miss said she want to sell her dresses!"


"I don't know what posses the young miss but before this, she loves all her dresses. But lately, she seems to be uninterested in those dresses and keep wearing the plain one"

"As expected," said Duke William, suddenly speaking, making the attention to be drawn toward him. "Just sell all those dresses, she's not a little princess anymore"

"Yes, your grace" answered Rina as she bowed down before walked away from the main library.

William looked again at her daughter who's right now aiming for another target with three arrows on one bow.

He know that she's a different person. Still Annelestia, but no longer the same Annelestia.

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