Chapter 15: Field

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"It's been a long time since your last magic training. I'm afraid you will lose your magic sense if you continue to be like this" said the Magic Book as he fly around my room. I rolled my eyes in annoyance while my hand keep brushing my hair.

"Why don't you ask the maid to brush your hair?" I saw him flew to my side through the mirror.

"It's not that long, I can do it myself" I sighed. "Besides, I want some privacy right now. Can you just turn back into a normal book?"


"My name is Ann" I said sternly.

"Yan or whatever. You should be grateful that this old man was concern about your magic progress. What if you suddenly lost the ability to use magic?"

My mouth shut at his words, knowing the truth had been spoken. I know I don't have the importance to learn magic, but my heart wouldn't let me postpone my intention. And I couldn't just let all my efforts go to waste.

"I have a question"

"Magic related or not?"

"The destination you're heading"

That sound serious. I slowly turned my head as my attention focused on the thick old book, floating in the middle of air.

"Why do you want to learn magic?" like a teacher testing his student, he ask slowly, at the same time pressing the question.

I become quiet for several seconds while searching the answer in my head. And I don't any as my eyes blinked for a few times.

"Don't know? You better be serious, I dislike students who are not serious, it hurt my pride as a teacher" with that, he turned into a normal book before fall on my bed.

That question, it caught me off guard because I never thought of it. He was right, no one like teaching someone who are not serious, but why do I keep chasing after it? Why do I keep firm on this decision when I don't know where it will be heading to? Why do I keep wasting my energy on something I wouldn't need in future? To kill time? To gain experience? To gain ability?

No, it's not the answer, but the right answer is still nowhere to be found.

"Don't you have classes?" I frowned while turned my head to the black-haired boy. Seriously, why would he interrupt my history class? Mr. Roger about to teach me the the history of Cranel, the neighbouring country.

"I don't have class today. It's going to be boring" he casually sat beside me before taking the history book that I'm reading.

"This is boring"

"Hey, I want to read!" I tried to grab the book by reaching out my hand, but not avail. He purposely lied down on the grass before rolled away, making him to be further than me.

"Go practice your sword. Even without Bryan, you could still knock down the Woodman" I whined. He turned his head a little while his black eyes looked at me with a neutral expression. No grin, no irritated expression whenever I made him angry, just a serious neutral face.

"Don't you feel tired study all the time? You're still young. And we're going to learn in the school" he ask with curiosity that could be heard in his voice.

"I'm not like you, I born to marry and raise status. I need to be perfect especially when there's a big possibility that I will be the future queen"

"But don't you push yourself too much?"

"Don't know, my father made me attend all those classes, like I'm a princess" I sighed.

"I think I could see the reason why your parents purposely allow me and Bryan to play here" he then turned his head back to the book, with his eyes focused on the page I read just now.

It was quiet between us, only the sound of the rustling grass and the wind blowing could be heard. Tranquil and gentle silence while the cloudless sky stretch in light blue colour. My eyes focused on his calm face as I don't give him any response to his words earlier.

"Sorry for ruining your moment" said a voice suddenly as we turned to look at the boy with honey blond hair. His hair was shinning under the sunlight like gold.

"What moment?" I asked Bryan in confusion. Ignoring my question, he lied down beside me before he closed his sea like turqoise eyes.

"This hill is nice. How could the Diamax practice field manage to be this big?"

"Clearly mine is bigger" said Sky suddenly with proud. He turned his position facing the grass before started flipping through the history book.

"Hey, Bryan, how much classes do you have?" Asked Sky as he looked at the picture of the legendary ice bird on the page.

"Not many. Just some basic martial arts, swordmanship, and etiquette" said Bryan with his eyes remained closed.

"Ann has a handful of classes. Language, history, dancing, literature, embroidery, arch-"

"You don't have to list all of it" I abruptly interrupted him.

"See? Even the crown prince doesn't have that many. You're going to learn at the school anyway"

"I told you it was my father's doing" I said sternly with my anger start to boil. I caught both of them slightly grinned.

"I think you better start study, Sky" I said with a hidden meaning.

"Why should I?"

'You're going to war when you're 15 and miss school for 2 whole years' I answer in my mind, remembering what supposedly happen. Noble in Gemilia usually had their debutante at the age of 14, attend school at the age of 15 and graduate at the age of 20.

"I just had an instinct that you going to have a hard time studying with that 'intelligence' of yours"

"What did you said?" Quickly, he removed his eyes from the history book and glared at me.

I grinned at his lack control of his emotion. Well, Sky is straightforward person and don't like to hesitate. But of course as a noble, he need to maintain a sophisticated image and put on a gentlemanly act. In reality, he's still childish although he is a year older than me and Bryan.

"What to do today?" spoke Bryan suddenly, making us turned to look at him.

"What do you mean by what to do?"

"It's what should we do today in your castle" explain Sky, making me rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"I found a hole under the wall of the mansion. How about exploring the woods there?" Bryan point the direction of the woods with his index finger.

I gulped at his words, remembering it was the hole I made to go to train magic in the wood. How did they manage to find them?

"Let's go" said Sky as both of them stood up and began to walk away.

"No!" I immediately stopped them. "It is dangerous"

"If you're scared, you don't have to come with us" said Bryan with his expressionless face.

"It's dangerous for you two"

"We're boys, don't worry. And we'll bring the sword in case anything happen" said Sky reassuringly, making me sighed at his confidence.

"You can't. There are monster in the woods"
'Weak ones, but dangerous for brats like you two'

"We never heard anything like that"

"And it's not sure if that's true or not"

How could you two say something dangerous so confidently with those pretty faces of yours? I really want to smack these boys with my books.

"If both of you are in trouble, I'm responsible for it" I argue, but they just shrug it off like it's nothing.

"We're going first" said Sky as he followed Bryan who's leading the way. I immediately stood up before walked after them.

"I'm going to follow you"

"Then, let's go for an adventure"

Little did I know, I should stop them that time.

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