Chapter 12: Honest

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"Take a deep breath and imagine that magic is in your hand"

With my eyes closed, I inhaled the fresh air of the forest before slowly exhaling it, making my mind more calm and clear. Just as what magic book said, I imagine the ice magic accumulated in my hand.

I could feel my hand become cold and frosty. Strangely, I could stand the coldness although I'm currently in the woods in the middle of night. Not like the cold air surrounding us, the ice magic didn't manage to make me shiver.

I could hear Magic Book's flapping pages fly toward my hands.

"Hmn, form a book with your ice" order Magic Book while probably flying slightly higher.

"Why must book?" I protest.

"Books are easy"

"Couldn't I just make a round snowball or something? It's much easier"

"Practising something difficult and specific can improve your control in magic"

Yeah, really improving. Although what he really wants is an ice statue of himself.

Again, I take a deep breath before imagine a book shape while slowly let the ice magic to gather and take form.

It take about 10 minutes just to form a small palm sized book. So small and yet difficult.

"I did it!" I said, pretending to be excited although I'm actually quite disappointed with myself for not doing better.

Easy to daydream than do, I thought it going to be cool like the one in Harry Potter movies.

"Too weak" said the Magic Book as he use the corner of his cover to poke my ice book and it immediately crumbled into pieces.

"That's so... Fragile" I commented on my own piece of work.


"I have a name" I abruptly cut him.

"Let me finish my words first!" He scolded before clearing his throat (although I don't know if he really have a throat or not).

"So, Apestina-" I rolled my eyes when he said my name clearly wrong as he continue. "You learn something fast. You quickly catch up on things but that doesn't mean you are ready for the next stage. Don't be too hasty"

Hearing his hoarse and old voice giving me a gentle advice remind me my old master as Ji Ann.

"Don't be impatient, it takes time to revenge. The longer it is, the sweeter it will be. Don't be too hasty"

I secretly smiled before answered "I'll try", just the same answer like Ji Ann to her master.

"Good. Now try to frost those leafs"


The next day is my practice with Sky. To be honest, I am tired after all the magic training, but if I don't show up, this black-haired guy will throw a fit.

Since that day, I practiced sword and archery only with Sky. He's diligent enough to come to my house in every practices although I'm not welcoming him. He's too competitive every time we practiced together. It were almost each practices he ask for a match.

"This time, 7 metres! Let's see who's better at shooting"

Ngeh, it obviously me better than you. 7m is only a child play.

"No thanks, I rather practice by myself"

"You MUST take part in this"

I glared dagger him. Could he stop being so childish?

"What will I get?"


"What will I get if I take part?"

He became silent for awhile, probably thinking what he could offer me to accept his challenge.

"I heard your relationship with his Highness is bad. I could help you with that?"

Me? And that Bryan guy? No thanks, it would be a wasteful effort. He'll fall for Layle in the future anyway, and chasing him is the last thing I would do.

"No need"

"Why? You need to have a good relationship with him so you can be happy in the future"

I looked him straight into his eyes while uneasiness started to form in me. I could feel my eyebrows frowned naturally. "Sky, how do you know those things?"

"I heard girls gossiping about you at the ball"

I sighed, fake news do travel just like that.

"Look, Bryan and I don't have a bad relationship. We just... Don't talk to each other. And we don't need help for that"

"Is it really okay? You know if the crown prince suddenly change his mind, he can break this engagement and choose other girl to be his queen instead"

To be the queen? Suddenly my mind went flying away. My view and hearing become blur, Sky in front of me was still talking but I couldn't grasped his words.

The memory of the queen throne started to flash in my view, the seat that I've been crazy to chase. For my whole life, I trained just to be the perfect future queen and I will not let anybody snatch it.

I trained really hard that I earned respects and praises from everyone. I trained really hard just to please and impress the crown prince. I trained really hard just to show how good I am and I am the only one who deserve to be the queen of Gemilia.

And just because of that desired, just because that greediness, I became obsessed and egoist. I lost everything just because I know no bound.

No, it's because that woman.

My eyes widened as I stepped back to stop myself from falling down. I held my head while my breath became heavy again.

"Hey!" Shouted Sky as he hold my arm and back. Panic could be read on his face, but it doesn't concern me that time.

What is this hate? That hate feeling that suddenly rose in my mind, the hate feeling for that woman, the hate feeling that made me want to kill her.
I need to calm down first. I closed my eyes before take a deep breath and exhale slowly.

"You look pale. Hey, are you really okay?" He ask considerately. But there's something that bother me more than the kindness he showed. I glared him. "W-what?" He ask, noticing my glare.

"Sky," I call him slowly. "I have a name"

"Even if I call your name, you wouldn't stop being rude, right?" He retort as I stood up properly.

I sighed. "Okay now I know what I want"

"What is it?"

"If I win this match, from now on, you will treat me like how you treat the ladies at the ball"

"What? No. It's so tiring to be fake all the time"

"And what makes you think that being frank around me is fine? You know I am the future queen?"

"Because you're being you in front of me"


"Yeah, you are not hypocrite like other noble girls. I hate your guts, but I like how you express yourself honestly"



My tongue suddenly got tied as I stared into his black eyes.

Not like others and not like before, he accept me for who I am. Not as a perfect future queen, but the real me, the real Ann.

Memoria:  Feather of Phoenix 『Reincarnated Villainess』Where stories live. Discover now