Chapter Eighteen

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Pam's P.O.V

I was done.

I was done with Ian.

I was done with Smosh.

He's so busy all the time, and now I know why.

I was done being used and taken advantage of.

This has happened so many times to me before, I couldn't stand for it to happen again.

I sat on the sidewalk, my back to the wall, watching the cars and the people go by.

I buried my face in my hands.

"Ma'm, are you alright?"

I looked up.

"Yes, thank you for asking."

"Ian did this to you, did he?"

I stood up and backed away from the stranger. "How did you..."

"I can help you get revenge on him. Just follow me."


Shayne's P.O.V

I walked downstairs, almost tripping on the first step.

Being hungover sucked, especially if you had no idea how many drinks you've had.

As I stepped down on the last step, I fell.

Luckily, Damien was there to catch me.

"Whoa, you alright?"

"Barely." I said, looking up at him.

He helped me walk to the living room and lay on the couch.

I rested my head on his lap, letting my dizziness subside.

"Feel better?"

"Little bit." I said, shutting my eyes.

Damien's phone buzzed repeatedly in his pocket.

He took the phone out, and answered the call.

"What's up?.....Holy crap.....Is she okay?.....Where is she now?.....Come over to Sam's house, we'll figure this out together.....See you, bye."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Pam thinks Ian cheated on her with Noah."

"What?!" I sat up a little fast, causing my dizziness to arise.

I clasped my head in pain, and Damien pulled me back down, slowly.

"Whoa, whoa. Lay back down, buddy."

"Why would she think that?" I asked, resting my eyes once more.

"Well, they woke up on top of each other in Ian's something must've happened last night in between them, and Pam saw."

"Damn." I said.

"Shayne, how much alcohol did you have last night?" Damien asked, concerned.

"I honestly don't know. Me and Aria slept in the same bed together, and according to Sam we made out the entire night. Also, we stole drinks from the bartender."

"Wait, so the bartender didn't get paid?"

"Sam and Kari paid him." I said.

"Oh, we should really pay them back." Damien said.


I suddenly felt drowsy, and fell asleep.


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