Chapter 1

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It was just your average day at school. Clear blue skies with streaks of clouds. Students sitting in their desks while starting off the school day half asleep.

Sitting at a desk, a girl with long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes looked tired out of her mind. So many things have been consuming her thoughts lately.

It was her last year of high school along with her other classmates. What college would she enroll? Would she really take over her father's company or find a calling before then? Even if she did figure out what she wanted to do, how would she tell her parents that if they expect her to take over the company?

Sure, she had life all laid out for her. A lot of people in her school like her, but there were a few that were jealous. Since her father was the richest man in the country, they would always used the term trust fund kid around her. It made her sick.

"Zelda Harkinian."

Still consumed in her thoughts, Zelda was zoned out, completely unaware that the teacher was taking attendance. Her thoughts wandered to something else. She didn't understand it herself. She had everything set out for her. She was beautiful, smart, well liked, and had all the money in the world. But it felt like something else was missing.

Zelda would trade any one of her admirable traits to fill that missing void. Anything at all.

"Zelda Harkinian!" Finally hearing her name, Zelda looked up at the teacher. "I've been calling your name for a while now. Please pay attention."

Lowering her head a little, Zelda nodded. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Impa." She heard some snickering in the background, not letting it faze her as she blocked it out. She didn't have time for that right now.

The school day seemed like it was dragging on longer than usual. It seemed like lunch took forever to get here.

Zelda was sitting at a table with a few of her good friends. Her good friend she knew since elementary school, Midna, was sitting next to her. She had yellow orangish hair that was tied into a ponytail. Her other friend she met sometime in middle school, Lana, had long blue hair that was kept in a side ponytail. Lastly, her friend that she met freshman year, Mipha, had long red hair that went all the way down her back.

Her friends looked at Zelda with worry, seeing that she was eating really slow and sluggish like. Lana let out a sigh. "I'm sorry if my sister did anything to upset you again."

Zelda shook her head. "No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?" Midna asked. "You've been acting like this a lot recently. What happened?"

"Do you feel... Depressed?" Mipha asked with worry. She was hesitant to ask, but she wanted to know what's been bothering her dear friend.

Zelda shook her head once more. "That's not it either. I don't know... I just feel like something's missing. I don't know how to describe it."

"Something missing?" Lana was thinking to herself. All of a sudden, a lightbulb appeared on top of her head. "I know! Maybe if you get a boyfriend, that will fill the missing void in your heart!"

Midna arched an eyebrow. "I doubt that. I think that's the last thing she needs."

"But still! Maybe it can help! She'll never know unless she tries!"

"And who do you think suits Zelda?"

"I don't know... Maybe Groose? I know he has a major crush on her." Midna's face scrunched up in disgust.

Mipha shook her head. "If I can put in my own opinion, I don't believe he's the right one for her. Perhaps someday, there will be someone that's perfect for her."

"Don't start getting philosophical on us, Mipha." Midna responded while rolling her eyes in a playful way.

Lana looked over to Zelda. "Will you at least think about it?"

Swallowing her food, Zelda nodded. "I will." Though she really didn't want to. She knew that she was only trying to help, but finding a boyfriend didn't feel like the answer.

After a long school day, Zelda was walking home. She looked up at the sky, seeing that the clouds were turning dark. The weather forecast did say that there would be a storm tonight.

Her home wasn't really far from the school since it was only a few blocks away. Zelda walked through the front door, soon greeted by her parents. The most wealthiest businessman and woman in the country, Rhoam and Celeste Harkinian.

Zelda gave her parents a small smile. "I'm home."

Her mother gave her a smile. "Did you have a good day at school?"

It was her usual answer. "It was good."

"Have you been looking into more colleges?" Her father asked.

Dreading that question, Zelda kept her smile on her face. "Yes, father. I've been looking everyday."

"Good, good. You should pick a great college to enroll in, and take many business classes. You got a lot to learn before taking over my company."

That statement made her heart sink. Zelda still wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life after graduation, but she knew that she wouldn't want to take over her dad's company. She didn't have the heart to tell him. Despite her thoughts, Zelda nodded. "I know."

Her father nodded in approval. "Glad you understand. You may go up to your room and study."

"Come down if you need anything, ok Zelda?" Her mother asked.

Wanting to drop her smile right there and then, Zelda continued to smile. "Of course. I'll be on my way." Turning around, Zelda's smile dropped as she headed for the stairs. She loved her parents very much and has a good relationship with them, but she didn't need this conversation today.

Entering her room, Zelda closed the door behind her and sighed. She set her backpack on the ground nearby her bed. She wasn't going to use this time to study. She was going to escape reality.

Turning on her handheld game console, Zelda sat down on her bed while leaning her back against her pillows that were resting on her bed board. She had the charger plugged in just in case the battery ran low and died on her.

This game made her happy, even if it was only temporary. The Legend of Link. It was about this fearless hero that saves everyone in the land. He was the chosen one to keep it brief.

Jamming the buttons, Zelda was playing as Link, making him kill enemies that was in his way. She was so consumed in this game that she didn't even take her eyes off of it for a second.

Zelda smiled all giddy when she saw mission complete on the screen. "I finally beat the level! It took me weeks to kill the final boss!" A new mission appeared on the screen, happily accepting it.

Playing for hours, Zelda felt her eyelids getting heavy. She was almost done beating another level, trying to stay awake. She would not fall asleep she thought over and over.

Seeing mission complete on the screen once again, Zelda passed out right there and then. The game was still on, falling off the side of her bed and onto the floor.

Outside of her home, a thunderstorm was beginning to start. The sound started low as it gradually grew louder. Following behind was the sound of rain pouring. The sound of lightning followed right after.

The storm was loud, but it didn't wake Zelda up. She was out like a light. The storm was so strong that it made the power go out, making the room even darker.

The only thing that lit up the room was the game on the floor. The sound of thunder and lightning grew louder and louder, looking like it was going to last the entire night.

A/N: Aaaaand here's my first attempt writing in the modern time with the Legend of Zelda characters. I apologize if it's not a great beginning, but hopefully things will start making sense later on. Thank you for reading!

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