Chapter 11

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It was almost time for Zelda's 18th birthday. She couldn't believe that her birthday was coming up soon. She wondered what she would have planned that day. A party? A simple get together? She was unsure.

Zelda snapped out of her thoughts, hearing her phone chime. It was a text message from Kim.

Kim: Hey Zelda! Are you doing anything Saturday?

Zelda: My birthday is on that day. I'm still trying to figure out what to do

Kim: Oh! Happy early birthday!

Zelda: Thank you 😊

Kim: Maybe early on that day, do you want to shop with me? I would like to get to know you more since we've been friends for a couple weeks. And I can buy you something if you see something you like

Zelda: We can go out early that day. And you don't really have to get anything for me

Kim: It's your birthday that day! It will be my treat! 😁

Zelda: Alright since you put it that way

Kim: Sweet! How about meeting at the Faron Mall at 10 when it opens?

Zelda: Sounds good to me

Kim: Awesome! See you then!

Zelda: Same to you!

The texting back and forth stopped after that. Zelda wondered what Kim and her would do on that day. In all honestly, she wanted to get to know her new friend better as well. She was looking forward to Saturday. And what will happen that day.

Saturday came before Zelda knew it. She found it a bit strange that none of her other friends said happy birthday to her yet. Maybe they were all still asleep. She wasn't going to let it bother her.

Finished getting ready, Zelda walked down the stairs. She noticed that her parents were nowhere to be found. She found that even stranger. They're usually down during this time. Confused, Zelda put on her shoes near the front door and walked out the mansion.

Arriving at the mall, Zelda was looking around for Kim. She spotted someone familiar, but it wasn't her.

Walking over towards them, Zelda arched an eyebrow. "Link? What are you doing here?"

Link gave her a nervous smile. Earlier in the week, Kim had texted him to keep Zelda busy for today, and to tell her this excuse. "You see... Kim had something come up, so she couldn't make it. She felt really bad and didn't want to cancel it, so she asked me to come in her place instead."

Zelda was really confused about all of this. She was looking forward to hanging out with Kim, but she wasn't disappointed at all seeing Link here. It made her feel... Happy.

A blush appeared on Zelda's face. "So, um... Do you know what day it is?"

"Nope." Link tried to keep a serious face, but he couldn't help but smile. "Just kidding! Happy birthday, Zelda."

Hearing those words from Link made her heart happy. "Thank you."

"We can go to any store you want! You can get anything you want! I'll be happy to get anything for you."

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