Chapter 17

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   Prom was drawing near. Almost about a week away. Everyone was trying to prepare for that day. The most important thing they had to get was...

   "Who wants to shop for dresses this weekend?" Lana asked.

   Midna shrugged. "I guess. But I won't like it."

   "Come on! It's a one time thing!"

   "Fine, fine."

   "I know a great place that sells beautiful dresses." Zelda said. "Though it's a bit of a distance away."

   "No need to worry." Kim said with a smile. "I'll just borrow my mom's car, and pick all of you up."

   "You know how to drive, Kim?"

   Kim nodded. "I've been driving for a while. I have my license, but not my own car yet."

   "Then it looks like we have our plan." Midna said, turning over to Link. "And you're not allowed to come. Girls only."

   Link arched an eyebrow, sucking his drink through a straw. "I didn't even say anything."

   Mipha giggled. "When will the two of you officially be together?"

   Link scratched the back of his head. "Well... I want to make it special and all..."

   Zelda nodded shyly, clearing her throat. "I'm just waiting for Link whenever he's ready."

Midna smirked. "Is that so? Good luck with that." Her smirk turned into a serious frown. "But if you ever break her heart, I'll break your neck. Got it?"

Link gulped. He didn't know Midna could be so ruthless. "Y-Yeah... I got it."

Mipha softly smiled. "I look forward to this weekend shopping with all of you."

Lana cheerfully smiled. "We'll find the most cutest dresses ever!"

Zelda couldn't help but smile at everyone's enthusiasm. She was looking forward to spend time with her friends. Thinking about it, she also wanted to stun Link with the dress she chooses. A blush appeared on her face, shaking the embarrassing thought off.

In P.E, it was a free day so everyone was either walking and talking around the court or shooting hoops. Link, Zelda, and Kim were walking around the court. Kim was staring at Sidon, who was shooting hoops flawlessly.

Zelda gave Kim a smirk. "Are you sure you don't want to go to prom with him?"

Kim shook her head vigorously with a blush on her face. "No! Stop that!"

Link was giving her a teasing smirk. "I'm always up for being your wingman!"

"I said no!" Link and Zelda were snickering among themselves, making Kim flustered.

"You guys!" Sidon called out.

Kim groaned. "God damn it..."

Sidon came up to them with a smile. "Do any of you want to play basketball with me?"

Link shook his head. "I'm good, but I'm sure Kim will love to play with you."

Kim gave Link a look like she was ready to murder him. "You want to play basketball with me, Kim?" Sidon asked.

At this point, Kim couldn't really refuse. He was giving her the puppy eyes, almost like he wanted her to play. She let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll play with you. Though I suck at basketball... Sports in general..."

Sidon smiled while striking a pose. "I'll go easy on you!"

"Thank you for your consideration."

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