Chapter 19

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Zelda glared Cia down. "What do you want, Cia?"

"You know exactly what I want." Cia looked over to Link. "I still haven't given up."

Growing irritated, Zelda went in front of Link. "Didn't seeing him kiss my hand and rejecting you make it clear that he doesn't want you?"

Cia looked over to her 'friends' smirking, fake smiling. "That still doesn't change the fact that I can still make him mine."

"Um... I'm pretty sure that can't happen at this point."

"Tell you what. If you beat me in a dance competition, I'll finally give up. But if you lose, Link will come to me. Does that sound like a deal?"

Zelda knew this was the only way to get Cia off her back. Letting out a sigh, she nodded. "I accept your challenge."

Cia looked a bit taken back, but held her composure. "Fine. You're allowed to have two other people dance with you."

"Fine with me."

Once the DJ was informed, he grabbed the microphone nearby. "We're about to have a dance battle, ladies and gentlemen! Gather around and place your bets!"

On one side, there was Cia with Malon and Ruto standing behind her. On the other side was Zelda with Midna and Lana standing behind her.

In the crowd, Link couldn't believe what was happening. Sidon patted his shoulder for reassurance. "Don't worry, Link. Zelda will definitely win this! You just have to believe in her!"

Link swallowed. "I do believe in her, but I'm worried if Cia will surprise everyone that she can dance well."

"Even if she does." Mipha said. "Zelda will pull through."

Kim nodded. "Exactly. I believe Zelda will win."

Zant started speaking up in the microphone. "With their song of choice, Cia and her crew goes first!" The music started playing, cuing them to start dancing.

Zelda stared at Cia dancing, shaking her head with a smile. Is this the best she could do? The three were off sync with each other.

Finishing the dance, Cia smirked at Zelda. "Try and beat that."

Link facepalmed himself. "That was painful to watch."

Zelda turned to Midna and Lana, all nodding at once. Zant started to speak in the microphone. "With their song of choice, Zelda and her crew goes up next!" The music started playing, cuing them to start dancing.

Zelda, Midna, and Lana were all dancing in sync unlike the last dance everyone witnessed. The crowd started cheering for Zelda, their dance moves in beat with the music.

Finishing the dance, Zelda smirked at Cia. "Just did."

Link cheered loudly. "Go Zelda!" Cia looked annoyed out of her mind.

Zant started to speak in the microphone once more. "Next round we're gonna kick it old school! Cia and her crew is up!"

Cia, Malon, and Ruto were a little better this time. They were moving to the beat, but still off sync. Malon and Ruto were holding Cia's arm, helping her do a backflip.

After the dance, Cia pushed the hair out of her face. "I don't think you can beat that."

Zelda rolled her eyes. "We'll see about that."

Zant spoke in the microphone once more. "Up next is Zelda and her crew!"

Once they heard the first beat of the song, Zelda, Midna, and Lana were dancing in sync with serious faces. They were determine to win this. For Zelda. And to stand Cia up.

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