Chapter 18

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The day of prom was finally here. Though it would happen later tonight. It was a short day at school, it was already the middle of the day.

The group of friends were at their usual coffee shop, sitting around the table while drinking their drinks.

Zelda let out a satisfied sigh after gulping her drink. "Tonight is the night."

Lana smiled all giddy. "I'm so excited!"

Midna arched an eyebrow. "Why? You don't even have a date."

"I don't mind. Just making memories with my friends there is what matters to me."

Midna rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, if you put it that way..."

Mipha spoke up after taking a sip of her drink. "It will be a night that we will never forget."

"I agree with that." Link said. "I'll be picking up Zelda later at her house. Since she likes being traditional and all."

Zelda giggled. "And plus my parents would love to see you again. By the way, how did finding a suit work out?"

"I went with dad- Mr. Rusl to the department store where they sell suits. I think I found a decent one."

Zelda really wanted to see Link in a suit. The night couldn't get here any faster. "I look forward for tonight."

"Me too. I think what I'm looking forward to the most is seeing you in a dress."

Zelda started to blush, getting lost in the moment. She snapped out of her thoughts, hearing someone clearing their throat. "You do realize we're still here, right?" Midna asked.

Both Link and Zelda became flustered. Zelda rubbed her arm nervously while looking down. "Sorry you had to see that."

Midna snorted. "It's all good. I just think it's funny that you two are acting like a couple when you're not just yet." She turned over to Link. "So... When are you going to propose?"

Link's face was entirely red at this point. "I'm not trying to marry her yet!"

"Yet is the keyword."

Link let out a sigh. "I don't want to spoil anything, so... Let's not talk about it."

Mipha gave him a smile. "We understand, Link. We will respect your wishes. I know you're feeling nervous, but we believe in you. Both you and Zelda."

Lana nodded. "That's right!"

Zelda gave them all a smile. "Thank you all so much."

Link was smiling at everyone as well. They were getting so caught up in the conversation that he finally noticed Kim was quiet the entire time. "Kim, are you ok?"

Snapping out of her thoughts, Kim looked like she was in a daze. She was holding a phone in her hand. "Huh? What?"

Midna started laughing at Kim's flustered expression. "Who're you texting?"

"Nobody. I'm trying to catch the Pokémon in the area, and trying to beat this gym."

"Did you contact my brother where you two will be meeting?" Mipha asked.

"He said that he was going to pick me up at my house." Kim let out a sigh. "Man... My parents will be bombarding him with questions."

Mipha giggled. "He can handle it."

Link was looking over at Kim's phone, watching her try to catch a Pokémon. She noticed that he's been watching for a while. "You want to try one time?"

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