Chapter 5

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   The next day at school, the literature teacher, Mr. Ghirahim was concluding the final minutes of the class. "Ok everyone. Remember to write a two page essay about the Skyloft era. It's due at the end of the week." He got a bunch of groans in response. "Hey! I could make you write 20 pages if you keep up with that attitude!"

   The bell rang in dismissal, having everyone get up from their seats. As soon as Link and Zelda were about to step out, they were stopped by a couple of people. Zelda rolled her eyes in response.

   "Hey Link! Do you want to sit at our table today?" Ruto asked.

   "Uh..." Link looked over to Zelda. "I kind of already have a table to sit at."

   "Aw come on! Cia wants you to sit with us!" Malon said.

   Not wanting to hear any of this, Zelda stepped in. "He said he already has a table. So why don't you leave him alone?"

   Both Ruto and Malon glared at her. Malon spoke up. "You can't keep having him all to yourself, you know."

   That didn't even faze Zelda as she stood her ground. "And you can't make him sit at your table."

  Ruto scoffed. "Wait until Cia hears about this." The two girls walked away with their noses in the air.

Zelda just rolled her eyes. "So immature..."

   Link nodded. "Yeah. I wouldn't want to sit with them. They seem really fake. That's probably how they earned the name plastics."

   "Yeah... They might think they're popular, but I've known Malon since elementary school. I know how she was back then. She was nice believe it or not. But that all changed when her father became rich, and she joined the in-crowd."

   "I wouldn't want to be friends with those girls anyway. I rather stick with you."

   For some reason, Zelda's heart began racing. "A-Anyway... Let's go to our next class before we're late."

   "Right." Link followed Zelda to their next class which was History with Mrs. Impa. It was Zelda's favorite class of all.

   Before they knew it, it was already lunch time. Their most favorite time of the day since they could all see each other. Link was following Zelda with a lunch tray in his hand.

   Without Zelda knowing, Ruto and Malon basically pulled Link along with them to their table. "Zel-" He couldn't even say her name, already making it to the table Cia was sitting at.

   Cia smiled sweetly at him. "You must be Link I've been hearing so much about."

   Link gulped. "Yeah... I guess you can say that."

   "Don't be shy. Take a seat." Link looked over towards Zelda who was sitting at her table. She now noticed that he was where Cia was, glaring at Cia from the distance. "It will only be a minute. I just want to talk to you."

   "You promise it will be a minute?"

   "I always keep my promises."

   Link sighed, sitting down at the table. "Fine." As soon as he sat down, he noticed the three girls all staring at him dreamily. Feeling awkward, he cleared his throat. "So... What did you need to talk about?"

   Cia spoke up. "We were just wondering how you know Zelda so well. It seems like the two of you are close."

   Link remembered Zelda mentioning that he should never admit what really happened. But instead... "Well... I came from another country, and her dad's really good friend adopted me. So since then, we've been hanging out with each other a lot."

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