Chapter 7

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It was everyone's favorite day of the week. Friday. The mark of the end of the week. The only thing was... There were a couple of tests Link and Zelda had to take.

Getting out of their first class, Link and Zelda were on their way to their second class. For some reason, Link was pouting. "Man... I can't believe Mr. Ghirahim pulled something like that, and ended up giving us a surprise quiz. He only said the paper would be due today."

Zelda playfully sighed. "He did say he would give us some kind of punishment if we kept complaining about the paper. By the way, how do you feel about the paper you submitted? Did you think you did well?"

Link just shrugged. "I mean... I guess so? I won't know how I did until I get it back."

"As long as you tried and did your best, that's all that matters."

In their second class, History, the class was already starting with Mrs. Impa taking attendance. It was done within two minutes since she knew everyone in the class by now.

"Alright students. Open your textbooks to page 258." The sound of students taking out their textbooks filled the room. "And can someone remind me where we left off?" Looking around the room, she spotted a couple of girls talking instead of looking at their textbooks. "Ms. Malon, Ms. Ruto, if you would be so kind to tell me where we left off yesterday since you two love to talk."

Both looking dumbfounded, Ruto spoke up. "The Ocarina Of Time era?"

Mrs. Impa shook her head. "You weren't paying attention, Ms. Ruto." She turned to Zelda. "Can you tell me where we left off last?"

Zelda smiled to herself. "The Skyloft era."

"Correct. Perhaps you girls should be more like Ms. Harkinian and pay attention more."

Zelda felt Malon and Ruto glaring at her from behind. But she didn't really care. She felt more proud of herself than anything. She never felt more gangster in her life.

A little bit of time has passed, and it was already lunchtime. Zelda and Link were walking together towards their table. "I felt like I did pretty good on the science test. How about you, Link?"

Link had an unsure expression. "We'll see when we get our grades back..."

Zelda started pouting. "Come on... I even helped you."

"I know, I know."

They both sat down at the table with their friends. Midna gave them both a smirk. "So... You're going to attend your first club meeting today, huh?"

Lana cheerfully smiled. "I'm still so happy that you two joined a club!" She turned to Mipha. "I'm sure they will have fun, right Mipha?"

Mipha nodded. "Of course. I'll try my best to make sure they have a wonderful time."

While Midna was sipping her drink, she rolled her eyes at the same time. "Oh god... Here they come." All turning around at the same time, they saw the plastics walking into the cafeteria. They were wearing somewhat matching outfits, all wearing pink. "Don't they know it's Wednesday's that they're supposed to wear pink?"

Lana arched an eyebrow. "You actually watched that movie, Midna?"

Midna averted her gaze to the side. "No... I just saw a meme of it."

Cia, Malon, and Ruto all came over to their table, all standing near Link. Cia smiled sweetly, clearly a fake smile. "Link. I'm having a party this weekend, so I was wondering if you would like to come?"

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