Chapter 14

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   It was the end of the week, the weekend eve. So far, everything seemed to be going well. It was a good thing, but a little too good. It was almost too good to be true.

   It was already halfway in the semester. Spring break flew by just like that, but now they were ending their first week back from break. It was hard to believe that the school year is coming to an end.

   Sitting around the lunch table, everyone was discussing what they did over Spring break. "My parents and older brother ended up taking me to this amusement park. It was fun I guess." Midna said.

   "I really can't see Mr. Zant as the type to like amusement parks." Lana commented.

   "That's because he only shows his teacher side in school. He's the complete opposite when it comes to fun things."

   Lana couldn't believe her eyes. "But he's always so calm and collected!"

   "That's what he wants you to think. What did you do over the break?"

   "Well... My parents made Cia and I take family photos... Again. And then they took us to some water resort. I enjoyed it but my sister... She was literally on her phone the entire time and tanned in one spot."

   "God, she sounds boring."

   Zelda wasn't surprised of how Cia would be like on a family trip. "If you think that was boring, I spent almost the entire break applying to a bunch of colleges."

   Midna scrunched her face in disgust. "Ew! Why?!"

   Zelda let out a sigh. "Because my parents made me... I didn't want to, but I had to."

   "Do you even know which one you really want to go to?" Link asked.

   Zelda shook her head. "Not yet."

   Sidon smiled brightly. "I've already decided to attend Hyrule University when I graduate!"

   Link just blinked at him. "Wow... For someone younger than us, you sure have it together already."

   "It's true that I'm younger than all of you, but remember that I'm in the same grade as you as well."

   Kim raised her eyebrows. "You skipped a grade, Sidon?"

   Sidon smiled while striking a pose. "That's right!"

   Zelda looked over to Mipha who was eating in silence. "What did you do over break, Mipha?"

   Snapping out of it, Mipha gave her a small smile. "I did a lot of reading over the break."

   "Is that so? If you want to shop for more books, we can always go with you to the bookstore."

   "Thank you, Zelda. I'll keep that in mind." Though Mipha had a sweet smile on her face, Zelda could tell that something was bothering her. She would ask about it when it was just the two of them she thought.

   Zelda peeked over to Sidon, seeming like he knew what was going on with his sister. His expression was serious, almost sad like. She knew then something was definitely up.

   "Why the gloomy mood all of a sudden?" Midna asked. "I thought we were sharing what we did over break! Link, you didn't get to share yet. What did you do over break?"

   Link was thinking to himself. "I was helping around my house, helping my foster parents with some things. Not much."

   "Boring! What about you, Sidon?"

   "I was just shooting hoops." Sidon resounded. "I wouldn't want my performance in basketball to become stale over break."

   "That's... Admirable, I guess. What about you, Kim?" Midna asked.

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