Chapter 9

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About two weeks has passed. Finals were finally out of the way. An entire week of taking tests, it's just too much to handle. But even so, it was all over and now it was winter break.

   Zelda was in her room, playing a brand new game with her brand new game console. As she was playing it, her phone started to ring.

   Pausing the game, Zelda answered the call. "Hello?"

   "Hey Zelda! What are you up to?" Lana asked over the phone.

   "Playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Yourself?"

   "Trying to decide on an outfit. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go ice skating later today?"

   "Sure, that sounds like fun. Who's all going to go?"

   "Midna says she's coming. I even invited Link!" Her heart skipped a beat hearing his name. "I tried to call Mipha, but she isn't answering her phone."

   "She must be busy or something."

   "Wait a minute." Lana paused for a moment. "Well, speak of the devil! Hold on, I'm going to put it on a three way call." Zelda heard a bunch of moving around at the other end of the line. "Mipha? Are you there?"

   "Yes, I'm here." Mipha answered. "What did you need, Lana?"

   "Zelda is on the line too, and we were both wondering if you want to go ice skating with us later today?"

   "Oh... I'm sorry I can't make it. I have to babysit my young cousin Ralis today."

   Lana made a disappointed sound. "Aw... Well ok."

   Zelda sounded disappointed as well. "Family comes first, after all."

   On Mipha's line, they heard someone walking in the background. It sounded like they grabbed Mipha's phone. "Fear not, dear friends! I will babysit in my sister's place so she can hang out with you!"

   "Sidon! You don't have to!" Mipha said in the background.

   "I do, sis. You deserve to have fun on the remaining time of the break. I already did what I had to do, so now it's your turn."

   The line was silent for a moment until Mipha spoke up. "Very well... Thank you for doing this, Sidon. I appreciate it."

   "No problem, sis! I'll give you back your phone now." It sounded like Sidon handed back Mipha her phone.

   Mipha cleared her throat. "Sorry about that. It looks like I can go after all."

   Lana squealed in delight. "Great! We're all meeting up at 1! Does that sound good?"

   "That sounds wonderful."

   "What about you, Zelda?"

   Zelda spoke up. "Yeah, that's a good time."

   "Awesome! I promise it will be lots of fun! See you then!" The call ended there and then, having Zelda put her phone down.

   Looking at the time, Zelda saw that she had about a few hours to go. Wanting to beat the level, Zelda picked up the game and unpaused it.

   Her mind was focused on the game, but at the same time, it was on Link. Why was she thinking about Link all of a sudden? Is it because he's going to be there too? Shaking her head to get rid of those thoughts, Zelda's full focus went back on the game.

   A little later, Zelda was getting ready to go to the ice rink. Picking out a winter outfit to wear, Zelda decided on light brown winter jacket with a white sweater underneath. She decided to wear black leggings since she was going to wear winter boots that was close to the same color as her jacket.

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