Chapter 4

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The weekend was over before they knew it. It was the most dreadful day of the week. Monday. Nobody likes Monday's. That just meant the start of a very long week, waiting for it to be over already.

Rusl, Zelda, and Link were all in the principal's office early that morning. A large man with red hair was sitting in an office chair while looking over the filled out paperwork Link had to do with the help of Rusl and Zelda. "So... You adopted this young man, Mr. Rusl?"

Rusl nodded. "Yes. He came from another country, so I feel like it would be best if he had the same schedule as Zelda so she could help him out better."

"I see." The principal turned to Zelda. "Ms. Harkinian. Is that alright with you to be helping out this young man adjust to the school?"

Zelda nodded. "Yes, Principal Dragmire. I will do what it takes for Link to adjust to his new environment."

Principal Dragmire smiled. "Good. I shall have the counselor make the schedule just like yours. It will be printed off shortly."

After receiving Link's schedule, Rusl left the school, leaving the rest to Zelda. While Link was following Zelda, he looked around the school halls in awe. There were some students talking among themselves, noticing him walk by as they started staring at him.

Feeling a bit self-conscious, Link leaned towards Zelda, whispering something in her ear. "They're all staring at me..."

"That's because they've never seen you before. And besides, school isn't just about learning. It's also a place to make friends."

"Like... The friends you have?"

"I can introduce you to them later if you want."

Link swallowed. "That would be nice."

Entering the classroom, a lot of students were already there, filling the classroom with their voices. It got quiet all of a sudden, all their eyes were on Link.

Link froze on the spot, feeling himself slightly trembling. Seeing this, Zelda grabbed his wrist to have him walk with her. She made it to the teacher who was sitting at the desk. "Mr. Ghirahim. This is the new student."

Mr. Ghirahim nodded. "It's nice to meet you. Why don't you introduce yourself to everyone in the class?"

Zelda patted Link's shoulder. "I think you can handle this one." With that, she made her way towards her desk.

Link extended his arm out to her. "Wait! Zelda!" He was beginning to feel stage fright, being in front of the class with everyone staring at him. He didn't want to, but he had to at this point.

Taking a deep breath in and out, Link walked more towards the center in the front of the classroom, only keeping his eyes on Zelda to ease his stage fright. "Hi... My name Link... Ordon." That was Rusl's last name. "It's nice to meet you."

Zelda smiled in approval, feeling proud of him. At the same time, she felt relieved that no one was questioning his name.

Mr. Ghirahim walked over towards him. "Mr. Ordon, you can take the seat that's right next to Ms. Harkinian."

That was the first desk he wanted to go to. Link rushed towards that seat, feeling much more relieved that he was near Zelda. He still felt like all eyes were on him, having a hard time shaking it off.

Zelda turned towards him, cupping her hand around her mouth while mouthing "Good job." Link's heart was pounding from being up there still, but he felt his heart starting to calm down after hearing Zelda's praise. This school thing wouldn't be so bad if Zelda was going to be there for him.

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