Chapter 15

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It was just an average school day. Zelda was in her seat, lost in thought over Sidon's text. She had to be careful about Cia and her so called friends. She knew exactly what she was doing. How much she wanted to knock her to the ground.

The bell rang, Zelda and Link were heading to lunch. Link noticed that Zelda was too quiet for her own good. "What's wrong? You've been like this all day."

Zelda let out a sigh. "The truth is... It's about Cia. Sidon texted me a couple nights ago about her trying to turn Mipha against me. It's been worrying me ever since."

Link looked surprised about the news. "That's horrible! Why would she do such a thing?!"

Zelda didn't want to say the entire thing. In response, she shrugged. "I'm not sure myself." Link was thinking to himself, wanting to know how to fix this. He didn't want Zelda feeling like this any longer.

In the lunchroom, Zelda and Link were heading their way towards the table. As they were just about near there, someone stopped them. "Hey Zelda. I was wondering if you could help me out with something?"

It was none other than Groose. Zelda let out a sigh. "What? What could it possibly be?"

"Well, uh... I know you're really smart and all, so I was wondering if you could help me out with a math problem."

"I can help you in class after lunch."

Groose tried to stop her there. "No! Uh... I mean... This is due in the beginning of class, so I wanted to get it done before then."

Zelda sighed. "If I help you, will you leave me alone afterwards?"

"Yeah, sure. Thanks a lot, Zelda! You can come over to my table and help!" Zelda really didn't want to go with Groose, but she followed him anyway, knowing he would keep bothering her about helping him if she said no. Groose shot Link a quick glare before heading towards his table.

Link had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He made his way towards the table, hoping that things would be alright with Zelda. Sitting at his seat, he let out a sigh.

Midna arched an eyebrow. "Uh... Why did Zelda go with Groose?"

"To help him with his math homework."

"What a dumba-"

"Midna!" Lana exclaimed. She let out a sigh afterwards. "I'm sure she will come straight here once she's done, right?"

Mipha was still a bit shaken up from Cia's encounter. She saw that the plastics were staring over at Zelda and Groose, smirking among themselves. "Don't tell me..."

Kim raised her eyebrows. "What is it, Mipha?"

"Those three... Did they tell Groose to ask Zelda to sit with him?"

Midna arched an eyebrow. "What reason do they have to do that?"

"I believe it's to keep them separated."

The whole table was silent. Link had enough of this. Standing up from his seat, he began to walk towards a table. "Link! Where are you going?!" Lana asked.

"To have a little talk." Link mumbled under his breath.

He ended up going over to Cia's table. She looked up at Link, smiling sweetly. "Link! What a surprise! Did you come to sit with us today?"

Link looked over to where Zelda was sitting. She was helping Groose with a math problem. At the table, Zelda was explaining carefully how to solve a math problem. "You just move the variable over to this side."

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