Chapter 8

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The weekend was here before they knew it. It was almost that time where every student starts to feel dread. Finals week. That was the bad news. But the good news was, winter break was right around the corner.

Going down the stairs, Zelda smelled food coming from the kitchen. Peeking her head in, she saw her mother cooking and her father sitting at the table while reading the newspaper.

Zelda walked into the room, her parents noticing her presence. "Good morning."

Her mother gave her a smile. "Good morning, Zelda. Are you going out somewhere today?"

Zelda nodded. "Yeah. I was going to get a phone for a friend of mine."

Her father turned a page in the newspaper. "Are you talking about that young man that Rusl adopted recently?"

"Yeah, him."

"Link, was it?"

"Yes, father."

Her father hummed. "I would like to meet Rusl's new son. If you're going to get him a phone later, can you bring him over today?"

   Zelda averted her eyes to the side. She knew this would happen at some point. "Uh... Yes, father. I'll see if he's able to."

   "Good, good." Her father took a sip of his coffee, turning a page in the newspaper. "My apologies that we've been so unavailable this week, Zelda. Our company's rates has been skyrocketing as of recently, so we needed to stay overtime due to work piling up."

"I understand." During some times in the year, her parents would be absent due to work. But she knew they would be home on the weekends.

Her mother put one plate down for her father, and two other plates at two empty seats. "Breakfast is about to be done. Why don't you sit and eat before you go?"

Zelda nodded with a smile on her face. It's been a while since she had her mother's homemade cooking. "Yes, mother!" Happily skipping to the chair, Zelda sat down at the chair, waiting for her mother to serve the food.

After breakfast, Zelda was walking over to Link's house. Walking towards the front door, Zelda rang the doorbell.

The door opened, revealing to be Rusl. "Good afternoon, Zelda. Link should be down any moment."

Not even a minute later, Link was rushing towards the door while putting on a jacket at the same time. "I'm ready to go!"

Right behind him were Colin and Aryll. Aryll started to pout. "I want to go with Link and Zelda too!"

Rusl shook his head with a smile. "Sorry sweetie. But it's a teenager only hangout." Aryll groaned in response.

Colin shyly looked up at Link. "Can I see your new phone when you come home?"

Link smiled at the timid boy. "Of course you can."

"I want to see your new phone too! Can I?!" Aryll asked.

Link let out a laugh. "Of course."

Rusl chuckled at the children's comments. "Have fun, you two."

Zelda waved. "Thank you. Same to you." She turned towards Link. "Let's go." Link started to follow Zelda to the outdoor shopping center that was only a few blocks away.

While walking in the entrance of the shopping center, Zelda just remembered something. "Right. My father wanted to meet you, Link. So... Do you mind coming over after getting your phone?"

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