Chapter 10

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Winter break was over before they knew it. It was the start of a new semester. Their last semester before graduation. It was exciting yet nerve-wrecking. It was only months away. But that despite that, Zelda was going to focus on the present.

In their first class, Zelda and Link were taking among each other. "Hey Zelda, is it true that there's going to be a new student in our class?"

Zelda nodded. "Yeah. I heard she came from another country."

Link snorted, mumbling under his breath. "Unlike me..."

Zelda smiled awkwardly. "Yeah..." They both stared at each other for a bit, blinking at one another before turning away. Ever since that ice rink incident, things turned a little awkward for them. Though they still get along normally, they were starting to feel different towards each other.

Mr. Ghirahim clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright students. The new student should be arriving shortly, so let's give them a big welcome." They heard a knock on the door. "Come on in!"

The door opened, a girl with long and straight black hair with slightly slanted hazel brown eyes entered the classroom. Her outfit was simple since it was gray hoodie and jeans. The girl went over to the teacher. "Is this Mr. Ghirahim's class?"

Mr. Ghirahim nodded. "That's me. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Sure." The girl turned towards the front of the classroom. "Hello everyone. My name is Kim. It's very nice to meet you."

"It's wonderful to have you join our class, Ms. Kim. You can take the seat right behind Ms. Harkinian which is right there in the front."

"Thank you." Kim went over to the seat next to Zelda. She turned to Zelda with a smile. "It's nice to meet you."

Zelda returned the smile. "It's nice to meet you, Kim. My name is Zelda." She turned over to Link. "Go on. Introduce yourself."

Link nervously smiled. "Hi. My name is Link."

Kim smiled at the two. "Can we be friends?"

Zelda nodded. "Of course."

Mr. Ghirahim was about to start the class. "Alright everyone. Turn to page 456." The sound of students taking out their textbooks filled the room.

A little over an hour, the bell rang for dismissal. Kim was putting away her things in her bag. "Do you need any help getting to your next class, Kim?" Zelda asked.

"Yes, thanks for asking. You can take a look at my schedule if you want." Kim handed her schedule over to Zelda.

Zelda looked over her schedule, her eyes widen. "Oh wow... We have all the same classes."

"Oh really? What a coincidence!"

"That makes things easier. You can follow Link and I to the next class."

"Thank you so much. You're so nice."

"It's no problem!"

The school day was surprisingly flying by fast. Before they knew it, it was lunchtime. Kim was following Link and Zelda to their table. Their usual friends were already at the table before them.

Midna raised an eyebrow, eyeing Kim. "Who's this?"

Zelda spoke up for the new student. "This is Kim. She's new here."

Lana smiled cheerfully. "Nice to meet you, Kim! I'm Lana. And this is Midna."

Kim gave them a smile. "It's nice to meet you two."

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