Chapter 6

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It's a camel's favorite day. Hump day. The halfway mark of the week. It was one of those days where everyone was excited that the week was halfway over, but dreading the fact that they still have another half to go.

Link and Zelda were sitting at a huge science table, taking notes as the teacher was presenting the lecture on the screen.

"Can someone tell me what the four stages of matter are?" The science teacher, Mrs. Purah asked.

Zelda raised her hand. "Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma."

"Correct." Mrs. Purah turned to Link. "Can you tell me what organelle is the powerhouse of cells?"

Link quickly scanned over his notes. "The... Mitochondria?"

"Correct." The teacher was checking over the time. "Since we only have five minutes left, I'll remind you that there will be a pop quiz on Friday. Make sure you study hard." They were some groans in the background. The students were already starting to pack up to get ready to go to lunch.

Link's stomach started to growl. "Man, I'm hungry. What's on the menu for today?"

"I heard it was pizza. The good kind."

"That sounds so good. I wish the bell would ring already." Not even a second later, the bell rang. "My wish came true."

Zelda giggled. "Let's go. I'm pretty hungry myself."

In the lunchroom, Zelda and Link were already at the table with their friends. Link was eating to his heart's desire. Zelda smiled at the sight, thinking that he really acted like your average teenager. Eating everything.

"So... Have you thought about it?" Midna asked.

Zelda blinked at her. "Thought of what?"

"Joining a club! Aren't you going to look at the club list after school?"

Just yesterday, Zelda did promise her friends that she would try to join a club. "Yeah... I was going to look with Link."

"Maybe you should join the same club so you two can get closer." Midna looked at Lana who was also smiling.

Zelda felt herself starting to get flustered. "Why do you do this to me..?"

"Because it's fun."

"Tell us if you found a club!" Lana said. "Whatever club you decide to join, we'll support you all the way!"

Mipha spoke up. "If you're having trouble finding a club, perhaps you can take a look at my club."

Zelda gave her a smile. "Yeah, we'll consider that. You are the president of the Poetry Club."

Mipha nodded. "Yes. It's my duty to make sure everyone is enjoying their time."

"By any chance, did you start that club?" Link asked.

Shyly, Mipha nodded once more. "I did. I only have five members, including myself. It's a rather small club, but it's fun."

"I guess we can check it out, regardless if we find a club or not, right Zelda?"

Zelda nodded. "I'm actually curious about your club, Mipha."

Mipha gave both of them a smile. "It makes me happy that you will come and stop by."

Link heard someone sitting down next to him, his heart leaping out his throat, figuratively speaking. He knew who that person was without even looking at them. "Geez, Sidon... Someone needs to put a bell on you."

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