Chapter 16

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   It was the beginning of the school day. Over half of the semester was finished. The school was having its last, but memorable event of the school year: Prom.

   Walking towards the entrance of the school, Zelda and Link noticed Kim walking nearby. "Kim!" Zelda called out.

   Kim had earbuds in her ears while walking. She felt someone tapping her shoulder, taking one earbud out. She smiled at the sight of Zelda and Link. "Hey guys. What's up?"

   Link pointed upwards. "The sky."

   Kim snorted. "That's such an old joke."

   "I know right?" Zelda responded. "So... Do you know who you're going to prom with?"

   Kim just shrugged. "I have no idea."

   Zelda gave Kim a smirk. "Well... I see the way you look at Sidon."

   Kim averted her gaze. "I don't look at him at all..."

   "I can be your wingman!" Link said with a smile.

   "I'm good, thanks."

   Zelda looked like she realized something. "Oh yeah! Kim, would you like to come over to study with Link and I?"

   Kim just blinked at her. "Wouldn't you two rather study by yourselves since... You know?"

   Both of them started to blush. Link cleared his throat. "I was going to make it official soon... I want it to be special."

   "When is soon?"

   "I don't want to spoil it."

   Kim let out a sigh. "Keep me in suspense, why don't you? And I can come over today. I've been meaning to talk to you guys about something anyway."

   Zelda arched an eyebrow. "What about?"

   "I'll discuss it when we get to your house."

   Zelda and Link looked at one another as Link spoke up. "Let's get to class before we're late." Both Zelda and Kim nodded, walking all together to their first class of the day.

   In literature class, Mr. Ghirahim was following along in a book while each student was reading each page one by one. When that student stopped, the teacher spoke up. "Alright class. Can someone tell me the symbolism behind the blue curtains?"

   Link reluctantly raised his hand. "Weren't they just... Blue?"

   "Don't play smart with me, Mr. Ordon. Anyone else?"

   Even though Link was technically right, Kim raised her hand. "It symbolizes the character's sadness."

   "Correct. Let's move on." Link looked really confused, looking like the Jackie Chan meme. Kim just shrugged, even though there wasn't really a symbolism behind the color of the curtains. Zelda was trying to hold in her laugh, watching their interaction.

   Two classes went by, and now it was time for lunch. Link, Zelda, and Kim were on their way towards the cafeteria. "Zelda!" They heard someone call out.

   At the same time, all three stopped where they saw. It was none other than Groose. Kim arched an eyebrow. "Did he not get the memo the other day?"

   Zelda let out a sigh. "I guess not."

   Walking over to them and only looking at Zelda, Groose gave her a grin. "H-How are you doing today?"

   Zelda dropped her eyelids. "Good, I guess."

   Groose was scratching the back of his head. "You know... Prom is coming up. I was wondering if you would like to go with me?"

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